Story One •Chapter 6• Angel + Malachi •1930• ~ Mix: Angel's + Malachi's POV~

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We talk a little bit, but he didnt tell me the good news.


"You said you had good news to share?" I say laying on my bed on my stomach.

He looks at me and comes sits down. "Mother woke up." He says and I sat up quickly.

"Really?! That's great news!!" I say and he smiled.

I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Heres the thing, she doesnt remember me.." He says and I back away from the hug..

"She only remembers father.. I.. Dont know what's happened... She doesn't even remember filing for divorce with my father, either..." He says and I seen tears fall out of his eyes..

I felt so bad for him. I kiss him and he closes his eyes. We lay back down and he just lays in my arms.

"You know, people arent gonna accept what we are.." He whispered. I sigh and look down at his face.

"It doesn't matter what people think. This is our love life, no one elses.. They cannot dictate our love. And plus, I'm the prince, soon to be king." I say and he looks up at me and he nodded.

I kiss his forehead. "Just rest, it's been a long day today." I say and Ang nods and snuggles up into my side and falls asleep instantly.

He must've been tired. I kissed his head and snuggled up will him and drift off to sleep myself. I loved sleeping next to him.

What I didnt think would happen, happened a month after my coronation.


"Malachi, stop seeing him" I hear my mother say while I get my uniform on for my visit with an ally. I look in the mirror at mother and she just stares at me.

"What in the world do you mean mother." I day and look at myself.

"Leave." She says and the maids do. She turns me around.

"Angel Mendoza. Stop seeing him. I've known of your relationship for a while now." Mother says, I just looked at her.

"You can't be with him any more. You are set to marry Ryella Marietta, Princess of New Zealand in a weeks time." She says and I was speechless. I just stare at her.

"Why in the world didnt you speak to me about this. I havent even met the girl." I say. Mother just sighs.

Isnt this just freaking great. Now I have to break the person I loves, heart. Just phenomenal...

Angel's POV.

Mother regained her memory and is still fialing for divorce. She's been working her butt off since she got out of the hospital.

Maddy's family has been letting us stay with them and was helping mom with the divorce and everything.

They've helped us with so many things. Even accepting me as I am, gay. Maddy even knew of mine and Malachi's endovers and everything. She thought it was very scandalous and loved it.

One of Malachi's drivers came to pick me up because he need to speak with me. I had a really bad feeling because Kai always came with them but he didn't this time.

We pull into the drive and park. I get out and head up into the house.

"Mr Angel, Mr Malachi is upstairs. He told you to go straight up there." A maid says and I nodded and bowed to her.

I head upstairs and get to his room. "Come in." I hear his voice and opened the door.

He was sitting on his bed reading a book. He looks up and smiles a tad bit. "Come here, I need to talk to you." He says and I obeyed him.

I sat on his bed and he looked at me. I was nervous and it felt like my heart was palpitating out of my chest.

"We.. Can't see eachother anymore.." He says and I felt my heart sink. This overwhelming sadness came over me.

"W-What..." I say and he looks at me. You could see the sadness in his eyes. Tears brimmed his and mine as well. I felt like my whole fucking world came clashing down the next thing he said.

"I'm getting married to Princess Ryella Marietta in three days.." He said and the tears fall out of his eyes.

That made me break down he hugs me and crys himself.

"I'm sorry..  I love you so much..." He said crying and I hugged him tighter.

"I-I- Love you too..." I cry. I felt someone take me from his arms and I started crying even harder and he did too.

"Malachi!!! I love you so much!" I cry out and I heard him whimper and ball even more.

I get put in the car and was driven home. I cried all the way there. When I got home, everyone surrounded me and gave me so much comfort.

If I knew that this relationship would end in such a bad outcome, I wouldn't have started it in the first place. I knew something was bound to happen since he was a prince.

But my heart is and was shattered in pieces...

Malachi was my home, and I was his.. I loved him with all my being...

Came to an abrupt end I'm soooo sorry!!!
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But I hoped you liked story 1!!! ONTO STORY TWO!!! Hope you guys had a good day or night! Love you!❤❤

Once Upon A Time: Was I The Reason? ~ BxB, MxM, BL.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz