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{TW!! Suicide}

Stanley arrived at the colored doors. The Narrator spoke again. "Now, listen carefully, this is important. Stanley walked, through the red door." He did so. "Oh, thank god, you are willing to listen to me. Do you realize that I really have wanted you to be happy all this time? The problem is all these choices, the two of us always trying to get somewhere that isn't here, running and running and running just the way you're doing now. Don't you see that it's killing us Stanley? I just... I want it to stop. I would, we would both be much happier if we just stopped. And I think, well I think I have a solution. Here, let me show you." The door opened again and Stanley went through. "Hmm... what do we want? What are we looking for... hm?"

Stanley stepped onto the platform and he watched as it lit up. "Here! Yes! Oh, it's beautiful, isn't it? If we just stay here, right in this moment, with this place... Stanley, I think I feel... happy. I actually feel happy." Stanley laid down on his back and gazed up at the lights and colors. He sat there for a while in silence.

After he had his fill, he stretched and stood up. He glanced at the door and sighed shakily. He hated this part. He started heading to the door.

"No, wait... where are you going?" He shook his head and went to the room with the stairs. "Oh, no! Stay away from those stairs! If you hurt yourself, if you die, the game will reset! We'll lose all of this!" He paused, then started going up the stairs. "Please, no, Stanley, let me stay here! Don't take this from me!" Stanley reached the top and took a shaky breath. "Please, Stanley, think about what you're doing!"

I'm sorry.

He jumped from the edge. "NO!!"

He felt pain spread through his body as he hit the floor. He winced sharply. God, he hated this. "Oh... thank god. You lived. You had me worried there for a moment. Now, can we please get back to the other room?"

He started up the stairs again. "No! No, no! What are you doing?! Stanley, please I'm asking you not to take this away from me. I can't go back to what I was before! If you die, we'll both go back! Why are you doing this?!" By now, he was shaking.

I'm sorry. I don't want to do this.

"Do you just not believe me? What can I say to convince you?" He shook his head and jumped down again, the pain getting worse. He wanted this part to just be over with already. "Stanley... let's go back to the other room... Can you do that for me?" He stumbled up the stairs again.

"My god, is this really how much you dislike my game? That you'll throw yourself from this platform over and over to be rid of it? You are literally willing to kill yourself to keep me from being happy? Am I reading the situation correctly?" He really wanted this to be over now. He hated how upset The Narrator sounded.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

He fell off the staircase again, the pain once again getting worse. He started heading up the stairs again as The Narrator spoke. "Or maybe you're just getting a kick out of it. I don't know anymore. I just wanted us to get along, but I guess that was too much to ask. It looks like you wanted to make a choice after all. Well, this one is yours." Halfway up, Stanley just sat down in a ball, starting to cry.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

"...S–Stanley?" Stanley whimpered softly. This greatly alarmed The Narrator, as Stanley rarely made any noise at all. "Stanley, are you alright?!" He shook his head.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

"Stanley, what's wrong?! Tell me what—what's going on! How can I help?! I–I just want to help you! Stanley!" He stood up and started continuing up the stairs. "Stanley...?" When he was at the top, he took one final breath and jumped off. "Stanley!"

Stanley is SorryWhere stories live. Discover now