Chapter 6

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Live. Live. Live. The word echoed in Kalya's head in a broken loop as she followed Sir William towards the headmistress' room. He paused abruptly, turning around; he seemed baffled by how much leer she wore on her face still.

"He's the crown prince, his words are absolute. You cannot run away now," he said with a void of emotion.

"Royals," she almost spat, "they think their blood is golden when it's the same as everyone else.  Tell me William, do you think he's always right?"

"Yes," he said with utmost conviction. "He's the crown prince and he's my king."

"But he's not mine. I have no qualms to even be here nor it is my duty to serve him." It was true; godmothers can choose who to serve. The divinity will forgive her if she chooses to leave instead.

"You can't."

"Or what? You'll kill me?"

He turned cold, his eyes harder than it had been. "Yes. If that is what his highness wishes."

"Then you are nothing but a pawn."

"And what is wrong with that?" He didn't seem offended one bit, just merely curious. It was then that Kalya realized just how genuinely loyal Sir William was to the crown; he embodied the personality similar to the prince. The knights. The castle. The town. The people. They do not smile because the crown prince does not.

They were interrupted by a woman whose back was straighter than a ruler and eyes as glaring as a lioness. She was the type of person you never wanted to see mad. "You called for me, sire."

"Yes, Hilda, this is godmother Kalya. Our healer. Godmother, this is the head of the household, Hilda. Please show her to her room."

"Will do."

"Wait," Kalya raised her hand to stop them. "Thank you for the hospitality and I am pleased to meet your acquaintance, Hilda. However, I do not have time to waste. Since it's my life that is endangered, I want to start working right away. Hilda, I need to visit each room that tends to the sick. Will you show me the way?"

Hilda exchanged a frown with William who nodded once. "Very well."

"I will have your things moved inside your room and your cat."

"Don't bother with Vito, he's observing the palace on his own. I need you to do something different."

He gave her a look of suspicion and rigidness. "I am to be whisked away with my duties. I do not have time to serve you."

"I need you to gather information of when the plague began and where." Kalya ignored his comment and continued keeping their locked eyes.

"Are you positive you can you heal this plague?"

"Depends on your help."

He inhaled sharply, his eyes filled with annoyance. "Fine. But only this once." He turned to leave without so much as a goodbye. She didn't need him to, as long as he does her wishes.

There was a little shock in the headmistress' eyes but it was gone before Kalya could think any more of it. "Now, Hilda, please lead the way."

"Okay." She walked ahead with her hands clasped before her. Again, fast-paced, as if a monster was behind the headmistress. Perhaps death was also following them like it did her.


Later in the evening, after talking to the ill and making various arrangements of their room arrangements, Hilda finally showed her to her own room. It was huge, perhaps as big as her house back in Ulia. The canopy bed had dreamy cream bedding; its curtain sheets flapped as she entered. There was a long desk and two seats, a tall and empty closet, a soft maroon carpet to match the rich burgundy walls. There was another door that led her to a sparkling clean loo and a big tub where she could conduct her spells.

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