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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! I will explain some of Zara's backstory here, maybe more in like 2 or 3 chapters. Anyway, have fun reading!


3rd POV

Once the Ghost landed, Zeb, Sabine,  Zara and Ezra went down to the surface of the planet, to distribute food to the Tarkintowners. Hera, and Kannan headed behind the ship alone as usual, and Zara scoffed. "Whatever happened to puling your weight?" When she finished giving out hand fulls of fruits to the citizens, she began wandering around the rocky area. Hoping to find a small, open space. Soon she spotted it. It was pretty small, but surrounded with rock pillars, as thick as a fuel unit, and taller than her. Zara sat down in the middle of the space, and closed her eyes. She began humming a short, and sweet tune her mother used to sing to her.

-insert favorite song from your mom or guardian here- (i like raindrops on roses from my sister)

Her pockets shook, and soon, two lightsabers slid out of them. One was faded, and the button was cracked, the other, was shining, and new. It was slender, and looked woven toward the tip, with a few unique changes, that seemed to be added last minute. Zara focused on the origins of where she was. A ball of water formed in front of her constantly changing from water to fire, water to fire, water to fire, before it stopped on water, and stayed there. Something clicked in Zara, and she opened her eyes. She was no longer in the rocky area, but standing alone in a dense forest. Her water ball was still hovering in front of her, and she knew this memory. It was a happy one. Zara jogged out of the forest to the edge of a cliff, where she spotted a much younger her, sitting with a woman. The woman was wearing a tan tunic, a brown cloak, and had beads running through her braids. "Master! Zara!" The sound came from behind the Now Zara, and she spun around just in time to see a small boy, about the age of the Past Zara run up to the Woman. "Master look!" He held up a short scroll, and cleared his throat. "The Jedi Council consisting of the masters.. Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Stass Allie, Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Saisee Tiin, Coleman Kcaj-" The woman interrupted him. "Its alright Caleb, you don't need to read them all", knowing how much trouble he had with pronouncing names. Caleb nodded, and continued. "And Coleman Kcaj, request, the appearance of Master Depa Bilaba, Zara Katar, and Caleb Dume, for The Masters request for permission to train. Signed-The Jedi Council. Caleb Grinned, and the memory flickered to the same group standing in front of the entire Jedi Council. Zara couldn't hear anything, and everything was blurry. It looked like Caleb had been approved, and Depa Bilaba was standing with Past Zara. Something clicked, and she could hear again. "May i Present Zara Katar, daugher of Whiabi Katar, and Burso Katar, force sensitive, as well as sensitive to the elements of fire and water. "Elemental Jedi she is?" Master Yoda asked. Depaa bilaba smiled. I do believe so, would you show them Zara?" The little Twi-Leck nodded, and stepped forward, not noticing that her Master stepped back a few feet. "Good day Masters." She said in a small British accent. Now Zara remembered that accent. So beloved by her fellow padawan, and locked away when she entered the ghost crew. She felt weird being the only one without a 'normal' voice. Yoda smiled "Good day." He said. Past Zara folded her hands in front of her, and strained her eyes. Her eyes went grey, much to the surprise of the council, her hands were soon enveloped with water and fire. Water on the left, and fire on the right. The memory clicked again, and The Now Zara was whisked away. She knew what was coming next, and she hated it. There was fire, and screaming. The clones, had abruptly switched sides, and were destroying the Jedi. She saw something that broke her heart into a thousand pieces. Her Beloved Master was Struggling to fight off the clones, and Caleb was pulling Past Zara away. Past Zara was screaming, and yelling for her Master. She was about 13 now, and was crying at her Masters fate. "No!!!" She screamed, and tore at Caleb's hand on her writs. "We need to help her!!" Her Master, had ordered them to run away, and soon, Caleb was successful. The memory switched again, and she snapped out of her trance. She was back in the rocky area. She sighed and sat up. She tortured herself with these memory visits regularly. She didnt want to forget who she was. and why. She stood, up, and noticed Ezra walking back to the Ghost alone. She jogged toward the ghost, and hopped onto the deck. She softly followed behind him, up the ladder, down the hall, and toward Kanans room. "Why is he- the holocron." she whispered. Her mind quickly put together Kanans plan, and she facepalmed. She crept along the wall, and peeked into Kanans room. Ezra was standing in the middle of the room, with an open lightsaber. Suddenly Kanan appeared behind her, and she jumped. "Careful, you'll cut your arm off." He said to Ezra, ignoring Zara, and pushing past her. "Look i know your not gonna believe me, but its like this...thing wanted me to take it." Kannan glared "Your right i dont believe you. now hand over the lightsaber." Ezra ignored him and comtinued swinging the saber around. "Hmm. Lightsaber. Wait isnt that the weapon of the jedi?" Hera joined Hera behind her and leaned against the wall. "Give it to me and get out." Kanan growled. Ezra retracted the lightsaber, and sighed giving Kanan the lightsaber and walking out of the room. As Ezra left the room, Kanan crossed his arms. "Now we'll see." Zara frowned. "So if he opens the holocron then your-" "Maybe." Kanan interrupted. "Dont interupt me Kanan." Zara said gazing after Ezra. "I was saving your breath." Kanan explained.
"You wouldnt have to 'save my breath' if you hadnt interupted. your always doing stupid things."
"stupid? Excuse me i halped put this entire organization together without YOUR help."
"'Helped! Hera did most of the work! You just got people! While i was standing still waiting for Someone to pass by, and remember their forgotten picture frame!"


Zara was shaken awake, and sat up hurridly, panting. A pupleish Dug (star wars alien) Held her chains in one hand, and a...spicy outfit in the other. He grunted, and shoved the outfit toward her. She sighed, and moved to the corner, and changed under her nightgown. "Im done." She croaked out when she was. Her throat hurt, and she was tired. The Dug nodded, and led her by her chains out of her tiny cell, and down a rusty hall into a wide meeting room area. In the middle on a throne sat a tall Blue devaronian. He was picking his favorites of of a platter of fruits, and small alchoholic beverages. "You. Dance." He said to Zara. He had tried this before, and it never worked. Zara refused t do something like that for a person like that. She missed Caleb. She had no ides where he was, and now was stuck here probably eternally. She shook her head at the kingly alien. "No." The alien-Durgle- nodded, and guestured to a guard standing next to him. The guard stepped forward, and shocked Zara with his gun. She flinched, and tried not to cry out. Durgle liked to scare people into submission even if it was for something as stupid as dancing." She shook her head again, and on it went. No-shock-No-shock-No-shock. Finally she fell over into a steaming pile of exhaustion. "You dance." Durgle said. Zara groaned. "No!" Durgle nodded, and pressed a button on the side of his chair. Zara sat up quickly and moved away. She knew that button, and what it did. She glanced over to a wall, where carbonite frames holding innocent victims in them darned the walls. "No." She whispered, and the floor opened up, and revealed a steaming pit. "PLease!" She yelled as the alien holding her chains pushed her toward the pit. She didnt budge, and pushed him back. He fell forward, and lost grip on her chains, but before she could run two guards grabbed the chains, and pulled her towad them. She struggled against their grasp, as they basically picked her up, and carried her closer to the steam. "No!!! Caleb!" she yelled. She never had time to hear the nonexisting reply, because the next thing she knew she was being thown into the steam. She pulled on her chains, and screamed at the sting of hot and cold at the same time. Then she fell asleep. It was jarring when the cold left. She fell intot he arms of someone, and they held her close. She peeled her eyes open, and looked at the person. Ha was a tall handsome man with a very short beard. He held a blue lightsaber, and deflecting lazer shots from guns. In front of him, and green Twi-leck knelt shooting at the guards. She groaned as they began running toward a large ship, and the man finally looked at the girl in his arms. "Zara its going to be alright. Please trust me." She nodded, and said. "Who are you?" She was handed to the  Twi-leck, and was set down in a chair in the cockpit of the ship. "Im Caleb." He said softly holding her hand. She sat up, and glanced at him. "Caleb. Caleb Dume."


Zara glared at him, and walked to her room.

"Kannan wants up in the common room." Sabine said. Zara was sitting on her bed, rubbing her hand along her lightsaber. She got up, and walked with Sabine to the common room, where Kannan, Hera,and Zeb were waiting.  "We have a new mission. Vizago somehow got the flight plan for an imperial transport ship filled with Wookies" Kannan said, as he stood up. "Most of these Wookies worked fort he republic." Hera added. Zab nodded. "i owe those hairy beasts, they saved some of my people. Zara wasn't really listening, mostly glaring at Kannan, hoping he could feel the excruciating pain of her imaginary laser eyes. "If we're going to save them, we only have a tight window. They've been taken to an unknown slave labor camp." Kannan glanced at Zara as he spoke, and she looked down. "And if we dont intercept this ship, we'll never fin-" A loud bang sounded from the storage unit, and Zara smiled. 'He really doesn't know when to quit does he?' Kanan pressed the blue button on the side of the container, and Ezra, who was clearly leaning against the door, fell out. Zara frowned, and raised an eyebrow. Ezra glanced up at everyone,and immediately dashed back into the air vent located inside the unit. Before he could reach the edge, Zeb caught him by the legs, and pulled him out roughly. "I ordered Chopper to keep watch!" Zara sighed and put her hand to her head. It was going to be a LONG day

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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