C h a p t e r T e n

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©  Amber Kalkes 2015

Song: "Space Lord" By Monster Magnet

C h a p t e r T e n >

"Tomorrow night? You're sure?" Craig asks as Sunny and him walk out of the diner.

Sunny licks her lower lip and folds the layout of the facility to inspect later. She still needs to find a place to stay for the night but thinks her best bet may the motel. She grimaces as she recalls Charlie's description but what choice does she have? Her other option is Craig's place and the man is a downright hoarder. Sunny has slept in some shitty places before but sleeping next to month old pizza boxes and moldy newspapers isn't something she'd torture herself with without any other options.

"One-hundred percent." Sunny answers as she pushes some loose strands of hair off her face.

Craig shakes his head again before giving her a quick assessing look, "You carrying?"


"You came into town without a weapon? Are you crazy? With all the damn hunters on your ass you think walking anywhere unarmed is a smart idea?"

She gives him a flat look, "No but I wasn't able to grab one before I left."

Craig twists his mouth before asking, "Where you staying?"


"Not even a name?"

Sunny shrugs as she sticks a toothpick in her mouth, "You know what they say. You can't trust anybody but yourself these days."

"Sure." He grunts before waving for her to follow him.

Reluctantly Sunny does as he asks and walks after him to the parking lot. Craig stops by a rusted up Camaro and reaches in. It's clearly his, she thinks. No one else would steal a piece of shit like this, no matter the body or engine in it. Sunny reaches up in time to catch a closed switchblade mid-air. Looking around Sunny sticks it in the inner pocket of her leather jacket and turns to Craig.

"Does it have any delay with the blade?"

"Nope. I keep all my defenses in top shape."

Sunny looks over his beer belly and snorts, "Sure you do, old man."

Craig narrows his eyes at her, "You want me to show you?"

"Nah, don't want you breaking a hip." She smirks.


"Yeah, yeah," She laughs before asking, "You got my number right?"

"Yeah I got it."

"Good. I'll be calling you at eight. Don't pick up. If it rings once that means something's happen and it's a no go. Three times and you call me back. I'll give you directions on where to pick me up."

Craig snorts, "Seems a little elaborate don't you think?"

Sunny shrugs, "I have my reasons. So we good?"

"Yeah." He nods as he opens up the driver side door of his car, "I'll be waiting for your call."

With a nod Sunny watches him drive away with a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach. Her thoughts turn towards Charlie quickly. She knows what she did to Charlie was wrong but what can she do about it now? It was for his own good anyway so why does she even feel bad? She did it to protect him. She's not someone people should get close to and if that means hurting them to get them to see that, then so be it.

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