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Here's a playlist of all the songs mentioned:


("The Millennial Club - feel the same")

Dahyun's phone vibrated in her hands, notifying her of a new message as it popped onto her screen.

She turned to look at the tall girl practically on top of her, cuddling into her arms, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. "Did you just text me while lying right next to me?"

Tzuyu hummed sleepily, huddling further into Dahyun's warmth under the blanket they were sharing. "Maybe."

Before Dahyun could open her mouth to reply, she jolted when freezing cold hands made contact with her exposed waist, yelping at the startling touch. Dahyun shot a glare at Tzuyu that only proved to be ineffective as Tzuyu only grinned sheepishly. "Sorry," she mumbled in an unapologetic tone, not bothering to move her hands from their position.

Dahyun squirmed in place, clenching her jaw at the contrasting temperature. It didn't help that Tzuyu was restricting her movements with where she was laying half on her. She could only flail her limbs around wildly in an attempt to free herself from the clinging tall, cuddly girl.

"Tzuyu," Dahyun whined, trying to shuffle away, but the younger wouldn't let her.

"I need to warm my hands up, they're cold," Tzuyu tried to reason, pouting.

Dahyun struggled to move even an inch, shuddering at the soft hands grasping onto her. "That's exactly the reason why–" She slumped down, giving up the fight when Tzuyu was refusing to let up. It was useless, especially with the way that Tzuyu was looking at her, dark puppy brown eyes wide and pleading.

"Remind me to tell Sana to stop teaching you these things," Dahyun grumbled lowly, trying her best to appear serious and unamused, and failing horribly.

Tzuyu huffed out a laugh in response, wrapping her arms tighter around Dahyun and resting her head against the latter's shoulder. "I should definitely thank her."

The weekends meant having lazy stress-free days with Tzuyu, where all they did was cuddle to fight the cold and binge-watch their favorite movies and television show series long past midnight together. It always felt as though Dahyun and Tzuyu were roommates with the amount of times the younger had stayed over, despite Tzuyu having an apartment not too far from Dahyun's.

It wouldn't be that far of a stretch to say Tzuyu did practically live there, however, with the majority of her things sprawled haphazardly around Dahyun's place, and Dahyun would bet on Tzuyu having more of her wardrobe in Dahyun's room than in her own apartment.

Dahyun wouldn't even be surprised at this point to wake up and see Tzuyu standing in her kitchen making toast for them, two steaming hot mugs of coffee already sitting on the countertop.

For Tzuyu to look up at her entrance and grin, saying a soft, "Good morning," to her.

It was just a normal occurrence, one that Dahyun personally loved and would never get tired of. They were precious moments that Dahyun would catalog into her memories to look back on and smile fondly.

And today was a simple relaxing Saturday, Tzuyu having randomly barged into the apartment without warning, turned to see Dahyun on the couch and dove under the warm blanket to sidle up next to her. The couch was barely enough to fit two people, especially with Tzuyu's stature, so it could be an awkward and tight squeeze but they made it work perfectly. Fully pressed up against her, Dahyun found herself with little to no space left to do anything except tightly hug Tzuyu back, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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