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"Hurry the fuck up!" Matt yelled, honking the horn to the beat up squad car.

Dallas was already in the passenger seat panicking, "Drive god dammit!"

"Not without them! Guys, Come the fuck on! Both of you!"

Erin was running as fast as he could practically dragging the smaller man.

Shots were heard in the distance and Suddenly time was moving in slow motion...

Erin let go of his hand for not even a second and the next thing he saw was blood splattering everywhere, the smaller man stood still for a moment before going limp.

"NO!" Erin screamed as he went to run back for Eric. Dallas grabbed him and tried to pool him into the car as he continued to cry out for his best friend.

"Come on Erin!" Dallas said in a stern voice before getting punched square in the gut falling back into his seat as Erin continued to go grab his man and run back to the car throwing him and jumping in afterwards before Matt pushed on the gas.

~Erin's POV~
That was 5 years ago but still burned into my brain. We were able to save Eric but I still wake up in a panic from time to time. We've all been more protective over him since then and more protective of each other. I still haven't forgiven myself for letting go of his hand. He always says it wasn't my fault but I still believe that if I wouldn't have let go of his hand he wouldn't have been shot.

"Erin are you ok?" a soft voice spoke up pulling me out of my thoughts
I looked up to see Eric staring at me with a worried expression on his face.
"Yah, I'm ok. Why?" My voice came out shaky and that's when I realized that I've been crying.

"No you're not, tell me what's going on." Eric somehow managed to say in both a soft but also being stern tone at the same time.

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