Chapter 31: Eh, It Was A Pretty Nice Di-

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Davina looks down at her notebook once again. "A dead person, soil, and Kol's ashes (if possible)."

"I don't have Kol's ashes. I can, however, find and kill someone terrible then get some soil." Davina nods and I leave to find the dastardly person I'm killing today.


I return to the attic with the dead body of a serial r*pist. "Here ya go!" I throw the body on the floor. I also set a jar of soil on her desk. Davina looks down at the body before nodding and turning back to her notebook. "What now? I felt the link come undone earlier. If it weren't for my heightened senses, I wouldn't have noticed, so Sophie probably doesn't know, which is good."

"I have everything ready. Just be here and try to be quiet," she instructs. With that, she begins the setup and starts to chant. "Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu! Fian en che en kanu!"

The soil and ashes from the fireplace start to form a body until Kol finally appears. I scream and immediately cover Davina's eyes, seeing that Kol has returned naked. I then grab a throw blanket from her bed and toss it onto Kol, successfully covering his dick and balls. I take my hand away from Davina's eyes and she quickly figures out what I was screaming about.

"Ew," is all she has to say.

"Eh, it was a pretty nice di-" Davina elbows my side, cutting me off.

A groan is heard and we both snap our eyes to see Kol slowly sitting up. "Hello darling," he addresses me, "wonderful witch," he greets Dee.

"Hey dude. Do not stand up unless you have that blanket secured around your waist. I don't want to see that," she scrunches up her face in disgust.

"Rude," he scoffs. "Do you have any clothes for me?"

Davina and I are silent before I come to a conclusion. "I'll go and quickly grab some of Marcel's clothes from the compound. You two good here alone for two minutes?"

They nod and I speed off, being back in the attic after a few minutes. Kol changes and Davina cloaks him, making him look different before he leaves to feed. Davina and I quickly change into the outfits I grabbed from the plantation.

Davina's is a colorful dress with converse and gold jewelry. Mine is a black leather skirt, a corset top, a white over shirt, doc martens, gold jewelry, and my thigh harness and throwing knives just in case. Kol returns after we change and he eyes me up and down. "How do I look, Mr. Mikaelson?" I inquire.

"Absolutely ravishing, darling

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"Absolutely ravishing, darling." He walks up to me and places his hands on my hips before kissing my forehead. I smile up at him and wrap my arms around his neck. "Also, thank you for the compliment on my di-"

"It's time, should we go?" Davina asks, eager to see the lively streets. Kol and I agree and we all start walking the streets of New Orleans. Me and the newly resurrected Mikaelson are hand in hand.

"The smile on her face makes this all worth it," I whisper quietly. Kol hears and squeezes my hand.

The three of us arrive a Rousseau's and walk in to see Marcel. Kol and I unlink our hands before he can see. He greets Davina then me. I embrace him and introduce the cloaked Kol. "Marcel, this is Jack. Jack, this is Marcel." They shake hands then Davina and I walk off to listen to the live music.

I notice Davina gazing at the teen playing the fiddle. "Who's the hot guy you're basically drooling over?" I ask.

"His name is Tim." She rolls her eyes. "I've known him since we were ten. I expected him to be here. I want to talk to him."

"Well then, your wish is my command."

When the set finishes, I walk outside with Davina to the alley outside Rousseau's. I quickly run inside the back door. "Tim, right?" I ask the boy who was playing the fiddle.

"Yeah..." he responds.

"Davina Claire wanted me to bring you to see her outside. Wanna go?" I offer.

"Really? Yeah, absolutely."

We walk out the back door and the two teens hug. "How are you? I haven't seen you in like a year," Tim rushes.

"I had to leave. I'm homeschooled now, but at least I'm more available. Maybe we could hang out sometime?" Davina asks hopefully.

Tim smiles. "Yeah, of course." He grins boyishly and chuckles. "It's so amazing to see you. I can't even believe I'm standing here right now... I just- wow."

Davina's smile grows impossibly bigger. "What if we go get ice cream? I know a place." I suggest, wanting Davina to have more time with Tim.

For the next hour and a half, I watch the two teens being cheesy and crushing on each other. Kol meets up with us at some point. I finally convince Davina to go back to the church for the night. Both me and the youngest Mikaelson brother walk Davina up up the stairs to the attic. The young witch drops the glamour she put on Kol and flops on her bed. "Tired?" He inquires.

"Just a tad," she responds while yawning.

I laugh and get out a change of pajamas for her. "Go get dressed and get ready for bed." Before she can do as I told her, the door slams open and a rush of wind blows throughout the chilly room. When Davina, Kol, and I turn back to look away from the door, we see a partially desiccated Elijah standing in front of us.

"I believe it's time we had a little chat," he suggests, talking to Davina. Kol and I hunch down and try to sneak out of an awkward situation. "You two as well," he calls out.

I groan and mutter, "Fuck me."

Kol responds in a very mature way by saying, "Name a time and place, darling." I nudge him in the side and turn to fully face Elijah.

"You look a bit pale," I grab a blood bag from my bag and toss it to him.

"Thank you, Aspen," he responds like the gentleman he so often is. I nod then jump onto Davina's bed.  "Kol... how are you back?"

He smirks. "It's all thanks to the lovely little witch right here." I clear my throat. "And of course Penny as well. I smile, satisfied.

"We'll talk later. Davina..." Elijah starts.

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