Narcissa closed her eyes and began massaging her temples lightly, "Darling...I understand you did it with good intentions, but you're playing with fire here. There's no way to know if you did the spell properly until her 2nd month of pregnancy, then we can check to see if the baby has any genetic defects or not."

Scorpius looked confused after his grandmother mentioned 'genetic defects', which didn't ease Narcissa's progressing headache. She simplified, "Genetic defects are problems with how the baby is growing or being formed."

Scorpius nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment, "So what do I do to make sure my sibling will be born okay?"

Narcissa gave the child a small smile, "You don't have to worry your handsome little head over adult matters...I mean you already meddled in your father's love life enough.."

She chuckled, and continued, "I will help you with this. Trust in Grandma Cissy to make sure everything's alright for your Mum 'Mione and the baby."

She got up from her desk and made her way to scoop Scorpius up in her arms, holding him close to her as she carried him out of the study. Scorpius wrapped his arms around his grandmother's neck, hugging her close as he took in her rose-scented perfume that made him feel like everything will be okay.

He snuggled into the crook of her neck, "I just want everyone to be happy..."

"My dear," Narcissa sighed, making her way to Scorpius' room in the Manor, "Your father has and would continue to sacrifice the world for you...Now that Hermione is in the picture, I'm just as positive she would do the same for you. Having you growing up safe, happy, and healthy is what brings us so much joy in life. You are not responsible for their happiness however, they are adults and you are still ways away from becoming one yourself...As long as you're happy, they will be happy."

Scorpius looked down as his grandmother set him back on his feet, both standing in his room, "I'm sorry Grandma Cissy..."

The woman sat down on his bed, patted the space next to her, and he made his way to sit beside her. Wrapping an arm around him, she kissed the top of his head before tucking it under her chin, "It's okay don't need to feel so guilty, you helped bring life into the world...that's the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for..."

The boy kicked off his shoes and curled himself onto his grandmother's lap, "Will dad and Mum 'Mione hate me?"

Narcissa sighed as she began combing her fingers through her grandchild's hair, "Your father and Hermione will be a bit out of sorts after they find out, but you don't need to worry about that...I'll take care of everything my darling. I will protect you and your sibling even if it means upsetting your father."

"I love you Grandma Cissy..." Scorpius spoke sleepily, his eyes began to droop.

Narcissa held him close and kissed his temple, "I love you more, my darling little Scorpion..."


The bell chimed at the entrance to Granger's Books Imporium, and a tall figure entered the building to the surprise of it's owner and her boyfriend.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Draco looked on with shock and confusion as he made his way to give her a kiss on the cheek.

Hermione followed after him and gave Narcissa a welcome hug, "If you had owl'd us you were coming, I would've rearranged the sitting area in advance."

Narcissa waved her hand, "That won't be necessary my dear, and good to see you both. Sorry for the last minute visitation, but I was wondering if I could borrow my grandson for lunch. I've been meaning to check out your Muggle neighborhood and decided to try a cafe or restro."

"He's upstairs reading a few Hogwarts textbooks." Hermione spoke proudly. Draco grinned at her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and kissing her temple.

Narcissa smiled at the sight, she had never seen Draco anywhere near this happy, closest thing would be when he had gotten his Nimbus 2001 from Lucius, the only time his old man had ever truly shown an ounce of support for his son.

"Draco darling, go get my grandson for me please, I'll keep my beloved potential-daughter-in-law company in the meantime." The older witch grinned at the blushing pair.

"Mother, we're still taking things slowly and enjoying each other's company before we rush into anything." Draco scratched the back of his head.

Narcissa rolled her eyes, "Oh please, you've known each other since you were both 11! You've gone through hell and back with each other and because of each other, yet here you are now. Looking happier than I've ever seen you. I wouldn't be surprised if you've gone and gotten her knocked up already."

"Mother!" Draco blushed furiously and Hermione's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets but laughed instead.

"Oh shoo! Go now, I want my grand baby." Narcissa waved her hand at her son. He shook his head and retreated up the stairs to the upper floors.

"Narcissa, it wouldn't be possible. The doctors had said it would be difficult for me to bear children as none of the medications, fertility inducing food, or whatever other trick up their sleeves were working. They don't have to tell me to know I'm infertile." Hermione gave her a sad smile before turning her back to the older witch to reorganize some books.

Narcissa gripped her wand and began preparing her mind for laser focus and concentration, "We're magical beings dear...even miracles are possible..."


Author's Note:

We're close to the end my dear readers, but don't fret, I'll make sure this story gets the happy ending it deserves.

Anywho, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one (^_^)

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