Chapter 12

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Hermione tensed as she made her way through the Three Broomsticks, random students and pubgoers filled the place and made it hard for Hermione to survey the scene while keeping anonymity.

A flash of red caught her eye and her pulse instantly sped up, the anxiety progressing with each step she took toward the farthest booth in the back of the pub.

"Ronald." She spoke monotonously, taking her seat across from her ex-husband.

"Hey ''s been a look good." The redhead mustered up an awkward smile.

"Why did you send that letter?" She asked straight to the point, keeping the conversation as civil as she could.

He quickly grabbed her hands, with a pleading look in his eyes, "I was wrong for wanting a divorce. I know that we both want kids, but it's not going to happen, and you know what? That's fine as long as I have you beside me."

She yanked her hands away from his grasp and gave him a look of disgust, "I saw that you moved on not even a month after our divorce...getting back together with Lavender Brown. What happened? She couldn't give you kids either?"

A flash of anger went across his face before he took a deep breath to calm down, and shook his head, "Whatever happened with Lavender doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that you and I become a team again! Partners for life, as we promised on our wedding day."

"A promise that you were so willing to break. It only took 4 threats of divorce papers before I finally agreed to sign them. That was almost one divorce threat for each year we were married, Ronald!" She was fuming, livid, and ready to swing a fist at the audacity of the man she once called her best friend.

"Is it my fault you can't do the one thing women are meant to do in this world!?" He barked back at her.

She lost her cool.

A loud crack was heard before Ron Weasley fell off his seat and pummeled down to the floor while holding onto his blood-gushing nose, "Bloody hell Hermione! You broke my nose, you bloody mudblood!"

Before Hermione could use the crucio curse on him, a few Aurors who were stationed at the pub had disarmed and separated the two.

"I'll never get back together with you Ron Weasley, I'd rather marry a DeathEater than be with you ever again!" She yelled at the weasel before they were apparated to the Ministry.


Harry sighed as he viewed his best friends' report files. After a little debate with himself, he decided to speak with Hermione first. Ron can wait in his cell.

Hermione was seated perfectly still, staring down at the magical handcuffs that bound her to the interrogation room's chair. Not flinching even after Harry closed the door behind him and made his way to sit in front of her.

Without another word, Harry threw The Daily Prophet onto the table for Hermione to see the front page:

Bad Blood: From Friends to Lovers to Exes

Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, 2/3rd of the golden trio were spotted at the Three Broomsticks having a lovers' quarrel! Things got heated and our beloved Golden Girl showed the world she isn't as fragile as she looks! Was it out of jealousy for Weasley's recent relationship with the hotter ex-girlfriend, Lavender Brown? Does it have to do with her fertility issues? She isn't getting any younger...Stay tuned for more!

- Rita Skeeter

"It's a good thing you've got me in cuffs, Harry. After reading this, Rita Skeeter better hope she doesn't cross paths with me, otherwise you might have to throw me in Azkaban for murder." Hermione gritted her teeth.

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