xxxvi. constant vigilance

Start from the beginning

Raya shrugged, finishing up the sign up sheet for Slytherin. She tapped her wand against it, grinning as the snake crest in the corner began moving.

"And we're done!" Raya sat back, putting the four papers together.

The four sign up sheets were decorated with hand drawn versions of their house crest, and a shiny banner that read the house name at the top. A short paragraph explained the purpose of the sign up sheet, and had twenty eight empty spots beneath it. There were eight spots at the bottom, labelled Reserve Players.

Raya scribbled her name on the Ravenclaw sheet, smiling as it showed on all four sheets. Cedric wrote his name as well.

All of the sign up sheets were connected by a spell that would only allow twenty eight players, and eight reserves — two for each team — from all of the houses combined. It would reset every two weeks to allow another batch students to sign up for the game. 

The teams were most likely going to be mixed from all of the houses, but Raya didn't think too much into it yet. First they had to get enough players.

Cedric took the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor sign up sheets. "I'll stick the Hufflepuff one in the common room. And I'll give this to the Weasleys for their common room."

"I'll stick the Ravenclaw one up," Raya said. "And I've got to find someone who'd be interested in sticking the Slytherin one up."

"Why don't you ask that guy?" Cedric pointed at one of the tables behind Raya.

Raya turned to see Kayse, Emmet, Anastasia and Jones, sitting at a table, laughing loudly and not doing much work.

"Which one?" she asked. 

"The brown haired one," he motioned. "The one in your Muggle Studies class."

"Kayse? I... eh, I don't know," she shrugged to herself. "I don't think we're... friends."

While they did have a nice conversation last week, Raya wasn't sure how close they were now. She didn't know how he'd react if she just walked up to him with a Quidditch sign up sheet.

Cedric stared at her, "Who else are you gonna give the sign up sheet to?"

Raya opened her mouth to answer, before shutting it. Okay... so maybe she didn't talk to many Slytherins. They mostly kept to themselves anyways.

"Can't you do it?" she turned to Cedric.

He immediately closed his eyes, "Nuh uh. I'm not falling for you puppy dog eyes shit. Go and do your own thing. I'm not always gonna be here to do it for you."

Raya groaned, dropping her head to the table.

"While I might love you for this one day, I don't right now," she told him, grabbing the Slytherin sign up sheet and heading towards them.

To be honest, Raya wasn't sure why she was nervous about talking to Kayse. He was alright, definitely less annoying than he was in third year. But after the little interview they did, Raya had been feeling a little off balance around him.

She arrived at their table, trying to hide the grimace at their loud voices.

Before she could speak, Emmet — another Slytherin in her Muggle Studies class — laughed louder, "Ooh, is the little Ravenclaw here to tell us all to be quiet? Were we too loud? Couldn't study for your final exams, huh?"

The Slytherins laughed at Emmet's mocking, and Raya had to force a smile onto her face — reminding herself that she can't hit people where there were witnesses.

"I'm here to talk to you — whichever one of you gives an actual shit about Quidditch and is somewhat responsible," she corrected.

"That'll be me," Kayse smirked. 

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