Chapter 5 - Collateral Damage

Start from the beginning


Alex sits in the back seat of the black SUV as Eddie drives and Greg sits in the passenger seat. "The escaped prisoners are Frank McCormick and Carl Voss" Winnie's voice says through their headsets.
"McCormick. Isn't he the airline pilot?" Eddie asks as he looks over at Greg.
"The guy accused of killing his baby" Alex says.
"He was headed back to city jail. His verdict isn't until tomorrow" Winnie advies through the headset.
"What about Voss?" Greg questions curiously.
"Voss...Voss committed armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon...He was being transferred back to Kingston Pen" Winnie's voice states.
"Maximum Security. Thanks, Winnie" Alex says as she leans back in her seat.


Eddie drives the SUV past a couple parked police cruisers before stopping near the abandoned transport vehicle. Alex opens the door and jumps out of the car, feeling the brisk cool winter air on her face. She then follows behind her father towards the trunk to grab their guns.
"Tires are shredded" Eddie states as Alex walks slowly towards him.
"Might have something to do with this" Sam says as he walks towards them carrying a Spike Strip.
"A Spike Strip. That would do it" Wordy says.
"This was planned" Alex sighs looking towards Eddie concerned.

"Do Voss and McCormick know each other?" Jules then asks the armed prison guard who was sitting in the back of an ambulance getting checked by paramedics.
"It sure seemed like it. They were talking" the arm guard says, sounding a little annoyed that all of this happened in the first place.
"Thanks," Greg sighs. Him and Jules then turn to walk away.
"You think Voss and McCormick are in on this together?" Jules asks curiously.
"Well, they're both looking at serious time," Greg says.
"Hey, Spike, you got anything on the van's camera?" he then asks through the headset.

"Screening the footage now" Spike says as he types quickly on the keyboard in the Command Truck. The footage from the transport van then starts to play.
"Okay, here we go. The three men left the van heading in the same direction" Spike states.
"You get an image of the accomplice?" Greg questions.
"Just the back of his head," Spike says as he continues to watch the footage.
"Wait a second. I got a late-model sedan leaving the scene, heading south" he says quickly.
"Spike, are all three men in the car?" Eddie then asks as he closes the trunk of the SUV.
"Tinted windows. Hard to tell. I do have a plate number though" Spike advises.
"Registered to?" Alex questions curiously as she looks towards Eddie.
"Rick Marinelli. Career criminal. Did some time with Voss. B&E's, two armed robberies..." Spike states quickly through the headset.
"Okay, any connection to McCormick?" Eddie asks.
"Nothing I can see. McCormick's record's clean" Spike says.
"This is Voss' breakout" Sam then quickly states as he looks down towards Alex.
"He had his buddy Rick help him out" Greg's voice then adds through the headset.
"Yeah, and took their new buddy Frank with them," Jules says.
"Winnie, alert the airports, train and bus station. Emphasis on airports, both private and commercial. Our guy's a pilot here. And let's get an APB out on Rick Marinelli's car" Eddie demands camly.
"Copy that" Winnie's voice says.
"Spike, look into Voss and Marinelli. If this thing is planned, somebody knows where they're headed" Eddie then states as he walks towards the driver's side door to the SUV.
"You got it" Spike says.
"Let's get these guys" Alex says looking towards Sam, and he nods his head. Sam then turns to run towards his SUV.
"Okay" Greg's voice agrees.
"We're gonna start at the courthouse," Eddie advises.


Alex sits in the back of the SUV again as her father and Eddie sit up front. "Hey, Winnie, can you patch me into McCormick's lawyer?" Alex asks through the headset as she reaches to pull out her work phone.
"Comin' right up, Alex" Winnies voice says through the headset.
"McCormick wasn't expecting to be free today. He's thinking' on his feet" Greg then announces.
"He could have jacked a car" Sam's voice says through the headset, as he drives the SUV behind them with Jules.
"Winnie's checking for any vehicles reported stolen this morning" Eddie advises.

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