Obviously I don't want to say that I want to take her to court but I also can't say 'oh I don't want you to do anything to her'.

"I don't think... I don't want to take this to court." I told him and he furrowed his brows. He probably expected me to want justice and to punish her to the full extent of the law.

"I don't want to make this a big deal. I don't want my name or face on the news while they exploit me as a victim. And god I don't want my parents to know about this. They're not the most supportive people." It's not a complete lie. Truth be told they'd probably feel more sympathy for the warden than me. They'd most likely scold me for giving our family negative attention. They're not famous or anything but they are pretty well known in the business industry. Honestly if things were different I would do it just to fuck with them.

Anyways, I think he understood because he nodded in response. I'm about ninety-nine percent sure that his apology for what he said to me on Friday was genuine, but I can tell he was relieved at my decision since he won't have to deal with the press and whatever else he was dreading to do.

"I want to see her." I blurted out. I don't know what's going to happen to her or to me and my job, but if it all crumbles even more than it already has, then I have to take advantage of this opportunity now.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He shook his head.

"I know but I want to see her. I need to face her. I want to put this behind me and the only way I think I can is if I confront her." I explain, hoping he'll let me.

"I don't know, Baker... it's no-"

"Please." I beg him, my voice cracking a little bit. I know he can see that I'm desperate and in pain. I am, except it isn't in the way he thinks. I need to see her, hold her, kiss her, tell her that everything is going to be okay even though it could be a complete lie.

I need to touch her.

He sighed, "Okay. I'll go with yo-"

"Actually can I take Santiago? No offense but I trust her. I'll feel safe with her." I can't see Sol and do what I need to do if he's there watching. If I go with Santiago she'll be able to step away and give us some privacy.

"Y-yeah, I understand. I'll call her over." He said and reached for his walkie that was on his desk.

I'm honestly grateful that Grimes is the warden. I think he has a good heart but the guy is very gullible. If it was any other person I probably wouldn't be getting away with any of this.


"When we get there, could you give us some privacy? Please?" I asked Santiago as we made our way to the Segregated Housing Unit.

"Yeah of course, whatever you need." She smiled while squeezing my shoulder. I returned the smile, "Thank you." She nodded and we buzzed in to the lonely halls of solitary confinement.

Santiago leads me to Sol's cell and unlocked it, the heavy metal squeaking as it opened. I gave Santiago one last nod of appreciation before I entered.

"Oh my god." I said to myself when I laid my eyes on her. I heard the door close behind me and I quickly approached my girlfriend. She was on the ground in a corner of the cell, her body in the fetal position as she used her arms to tightly hold her knees.

I kneeled down and examined her heavily bruised body. Jesus there's barely any non-purple skin visible to the eye. Her left eye is swollen shut and she has a couple butterfly bandages on her forehead and cheek. I feel a pain in my chest at this sight and I feel my eyes begin to water. What the actual fuck?

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