Seeing red

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You jumped out of your sleep and woke up to your phone alarm blaring . You groaned and rolled over to the desk near your bed and reached your arm out . You stretched and you hit the stop button and you laid back down and let out another groan . Riley had woken up and he lifted his head up from his spot to see what was wrong .
" sorry if I woke you ."
You said to Riley in a grumbled
Riley yawned in response and you gave him a pet . You lifted the covers off of you slowly and you swung your legs over the edge of your bed and sat up . You grabbed your phone to see that it was 5:00 AM and you just shrugged it off . You were up anyway and probably not going back to bed so you just figured you go about daily business. You stood up and stretched as you walked to your bathroom . You turned on the light and shut your eyes a bit so you didn't blind yourself. Once your eyes adjusted to the light you looked in the mirror . Your hair was messy and you looked at your arms to see your scars but you didn't mind them being there but it's the way that you had gotten them which kinda made you a little more fearful but you kept your guard up and at the time you didn't have Riley but now he's your protector and you are his . To come and think about it you have Ghost and Riley and they're both extremely protective over you . You fixed your h/c hair and you tied it up in a bun . You picked up the tooth paste and brush that was lying in the bathroom already untouched and you used that . You put a good amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush and you got to scrubbing. Once you were done with that you spit and rinsed . You dried your face with the towel that was there and you were now ready for the day . You walked out the bathroom and saw Riley patiently waiting for you on your bed and you called out to him gently and he came running up to you . You grabbed your hood real quick and put it on and you went to your door and out . Ty went down the hallways quickly and quietly with only the sound of Riley's tiny nails hitting the hard wooden floors . You went down past the kitchen but you stopped when you felt someone tap you. You quickly turn around and pull the knife from your jacket in front of you .
" holy shit !"
You said panicked.
" Where are you going?"
You looked up to see Ghost standing there doing his usual .
" I'm going to take Riley out to use the bathroom."
You said as you went towards the corridor to go outside but Ghost stopped you .
" let me take him ."
Ghost said as he led Riley to the outside .
"If I can go, I'll be fine ."
You said while trying to protest a bit .
" you don't know what animals could
Be out there and I want you safe inside ."
He said sternly .
" yes ."
You said respectfully .
All he was trying to do was protect you from harm's way .
" Now inside, it's dark ."
He said as he told Riley to go use the bathroom .
You stepped back inside and you went back and went into the lounging area. You sat on one of the couches in the usual corner and you curled up and waited for them to be back . It was long before you heard the clicking of Riley's nails on the floor and Riley ran up to you and jumped on the couch and went straight to try and lick your face . you blocked your face and giggled a bit but Ghost called back and Riley went towards him . You looked up from the couch and saw Ghost giving Riley his food . He cleaned his bowl first because last night you didn't do it but he didn't really mind it . Ghost poured the dry dog food into the bowl and put it on the floor for rile\\y and Riley got to munch away . ghost went over to you and sat on the open square of the vouch and he looked at you .
'' you should head to bed .''
He stated .
'' i'm not tired .''
You said simply while rubbing your eyes .
You yelped as you felt two strong arms pick you up without hesitation and started walking with you .
'' dad i can walk , let me go .''
You said while trying to break free from his grip . He held his grip on you and opened your door and brought you into your room and threw you on your bed and wa;lked towards the door but he turned to look back at your stunned face .
'' bed now .''
He said firmly as he walked out and closed your door behind him . He opened up the door quickly again and he put Riley in the room as well leaving you to sleep . you sighed knowing that he was still up and if you didn't go to sleep he's just gonna bring you back to your room anyways so you decided to just go to sleep . you closed your eyes and you rested them but soon it all went blank .

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