The rescue

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" are we there yet ."
Ghost said sternly .
He was worried about you and he hoped that nothing happened to you but he couldn't even be sure because of how ruthless shadows and graves can be . The shadows and graves are in for a rude awakening when ghost finds out what they did to you .
" we have one more hour to go ."
Gaz said while looking at ghost through the rear view mirror.Ghost stared back giving a stone cold look.
" we're getting to them ."
Price said .
" how the fuck do I know if she's alive or not how do I know if she is hurt ."
Ghost said while holding back his anger . He was angry with himself . He never wanted this to happen but in the end it was gonna happen one day and today was that day .
" ghost we're gonna find them alright just calm dow-
" how am I supposed to be fucking calm "
Ghost said angrily as he raised his voice more as he cut off doz .
Everyone stood quiet and didn't make a peep in fear of making the man more distraught and more anxious and angry. They have never seen ghost this anxious and angry since your mother had left yours and his life . When Ghost first found out that your mother was going to have a little girl he couldn't wait to be a father but your mother had other plans. They fought the day after they had brung you home . There was constant yelling, screaming and just arguing in general . she had always yelled at Ghost for him wanting to not give you up . she wanted to give you up but Ghost wasn't gonna let that happen so they got a divorce and she gave up and walked out of your life which left you and him together . Ghost still gets flashbacks of all the arguing when your mother had said that she never wanted you an was considering an abortion but some how simon conviced your mother to keep you but she still didnt want you . it pained him to hear those words ring throughout his head . He never in a million years would raise his voice at you . He didn't want to scare you, he wanted you to be able to trust him and be able to talk to him about stuff that was bothering you .

Back to you

'' don't.....just stop''
You said quietly as your head hung low .
There was a blood pool forming around you . the dark red crimson flowing down your arms . Alejandro and you had put up another fight when the guards had come in and interrogated you after another hour and they failed so they resorted to beating you into getting the information out. They thought that you must've known something and they split you and Alejandro up for interrogation . Alejandro tried putting up a fight to protect you but both him and you were weaponless and had no way out . you stood in your concrete cell , crying and tried not to think about all the pain . it stung badly and you couldn't forget about the throbbing pain in your back when you had gotten plunged into the wall by one of the shadow soldiers . you wished you were still with Alejandro , you heard the screaming of him yelling at them to not take you or harm you but there was no stopping it . your thoughts raced but you soon felt another blow to the stomach. It felt as if the wind had been knocked from your lungs . the ringing in your ears was unbearable and you actually for once thought you were gonna die . you heard muffled yelling and soon the soldiers left you alone in your cell , cold , hurt bloody and bruised . it was an hour later until you heard the screams of soldiers and gunfire which had gotten your attention real quick . you heard loud footsteps coming towards your cell and you quickly turn in the corner in fear of what the soldiers have next .
'' leave me alone dont touch me ! .''
You screamed trying to barricade yourself in the croner more .
Ghost just took a moment to see what they had done to you . He never wanted to see you like this ever . He saw the cuts that were all on your arms and the pool of blood that was on the floor . soap was there and he could only now imagine what Ghost was gonna do to them .
'' y/n its me....''
Ghost said while walking over to you cautiously .
He didn't want to frighten you more than what you already were but he was somewhat relieved that you weren't dead but you were in great condition either . you looked at him and crouched near you . he reached his hand out slowly and you turned away in fear of something bad happening.
'' It's me y/n , I won't hurt you . never .''
Ghost said quietly making sure not to distress you more than what you were already. Soap was near the door frame and started to shoot at anymore oncoming shadows .
'' Your uncles are here ok , we're here to get you and Alejandro ok . i'm here to protect you .''
Ghost said .
You crept out of the corner until you saw price and the others came running down the hallway and covering soap l. Soap entered the bloody cell and the sight made him want to kill everyone in the base just as much as Ghost .
'' bloody hell , what did they do....''
Soap said quietly .
He was upset too . He never wanted to imagine you getting this cut up but this scared image became a reality . soap ran over to you and wrapped a thin blanket around you . you winced at the contact but soon you felt a pair of two strong arms pick you up carefully .
It was soap who was the one holding you .
'' were gonna get you out of this hell hole and we're gonna get you fixed up okay spook i promise .''
You heard the concern and deep worry laced in soap's tone . you saw how frantic he was and how he shook a little bit . He was worried about you and didnt want shit like this to happen . you were extremely glad that you were in the arms of someone you trusted and knew who would go to hell and back for you . It wasn't long before soap was running out of the cell with you in arm and with a very angry Ghost . red tinged Ghosts eyes as his fist clenched as he grabbed his rifle tightly and got ready to beat the shit out of these shadows and find the ones who did this so he can kill them slowly . He didn't have any remorse for what he was about to do .
'' soap takes y/n back to the humvee and gets her patched up by one of the medics . i have some dirty work to finish .''
Ghost said low and deep .
Soap nodded an affirmative and yelled through coms that they had gotten you and in response over comms you heard they got Alejandro too . you gave a tiny sigh of relief knowing that he was alive but in what state. You were soon outside and placed in the backseat of the humvee . soap laid you down carefully and the medic got to work . you felt a pinch in your arm but didn't care because you knew you were in good hands but your eyes started to droop and soon you were out like a light .
Ghost ran through the hallways shooting down every soldier he saw in sight . one came from behind a corner and tried to grab him but Ghost took out his knife quickly and slashed his wrist.
It wasn't long after before he reached the main room and soon finally saw graves there with at least 4 soldiers with him . he shot them quickly leaving it just him and graves .
Ghost shouted .
'' you already killed them ''
Graves laughed slowly .
'' i did .''
This made ghost go fucking nuts .
Ghost lunged at graves causing him to fall on his back . Graves reacted quickly pulling a knife and he stabbed him in Ghost's shoulder . ghost didnt feel anything due to the adrenaline rush and anger he felt but he will feel it soon . ghost punched him in the face and he wasted no time reaching for his knife and stabbing him in the neck . He kept stabbing him continuously in the neck . He was extremely angry at what they had done to you . blood splatters on his mask and his gear covered in blood . Finally graves was dead . Ghost turned around and saw other soldiers coming his way but he got out of there as soon as possible and got to the humvee .
He saw you laid down in the back of the humvee and stitched up and wrapped in bandages . He rushed to your slide and picked you up, holding you close while entering the humvee and seeing the rest of the team and Alejandro .
'' Ghost your-
'' drive back to base ''
Ghost said sternly while holding you in his arms gently but securely .
'' Ghost, I gave her a sedative so she wouldn't feel the pain when I did her stitches but she'll heal up pretty quickly but these are gonna leave some scars .
Soap said .
'' she's alive ....that's all that matters...we discuss when we get back to base .''

Safe and secure

It's been 7 hours of driving and you and the others had finally arrived at base . Ghost carried you out of the humvee gently and started walking with you inside the base until the others stopped dead in the tracks .
'' Ghost you got hit ...''
Gaz said.
'' Im fine now, let me just get her to her quarters . ''
Ghost said and without hesitation still kept walking .
He finally got into base and he went down the hallway and down another and soon he was in front of his door and he opened it . The smell of musk , sandalwood , gunpowder and whiskey filled his nose . He went to his bed and pulled back the covers and set you down gently and he pulled the covers over you .

Burning light (task force an child reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora