Ch. 17: Hopeful Darkness vs Despairing Light, Part 2

Start from the beginning

'She's far stronger than any Jasper produced before. Her weapon is unknown and her speed could be elevated as well.' Yellow thought be for their eyes met and Jasper walked around to their side for some reason.

"Greetings, Yellow and White Diamond. Sorry to meet you both in this situation, but I'm on a mission for my Diamond." Jasper said, forming the symbol before cracking her knuckles.

"None taken, little Jasper." White Diamond said with a smile, gazing down to Jasper. "Glad to see Black taught you proper manners."

"Yes, I thought he would've told you to insult us." Yellow said as she crossed her arms.

"He is a prideful warrior but a benevolent leader. He would do no such things to teach his gems disrespect. I'm sure of it." Jasper said with a smile, getting to know her diamond over this time.

'As expected, she thinks very highly about him.' Yellow thought with an eye roll.

"How about you show to us why you're with him, then?" White asked while motioning to Yellow and herself.

"Pardon?" Jasper asked, looking up to White.

"I said, can you show us or tell us why you're with Black when you could be with one of us?" White said to Jasper, trying to get Jasper to switch diamonds like Black did with some many others!

Jasper looks at her with a confuse look, gazing up to the two taller diamonds.

"Yes, why serve him when you could serve one of us? We could have you do much more with your talents." Yellow said with a smirk.

Before any of them could reply, Black Diamond came over and put a hand on Jasper's shoulder.

"If you're trying to take my friend away from my court, you've got another thing coming." Black Diamond said to them.

"Oh, don't be jealous, Black. We were just having a conversation." White commented as Pink was kicked away with Spinel jumping to her again.

"No, you were trying to throw off my teammate because you're worried you'll lose." Black Diamond said.

Yellow snarled at this, feeling insulted once again by Black!

"I'm not worried, that Jasper can do whatever it pleases. Don't think this will go the same way as before.'' she said to him.

"SHE. Not "it." Jasper is a person, not an object." Black Diamond said as he turned to leave with Jasper back to their side.

"Hmph...suit yourself" White said.

Turning back to the fight, things were pretty even at the moment. Blue was back in her battle attire from last time and blocking/deflecting attacks as Lapis was flying around her at high speed while Spinel was throwing a barrage of punches at Pink while she was dodging in her glowing skin to show her increased speed.

"Why won't you stand still and lose already?!" Spinel shouted at Pink.

"Because I refuse to lose yet again" She said, before using her hands to summon a honeycomb like dome around Spinel and compressing it.

"Aaah!" Spinel shouted in shock, banging on one wall. "NO!"

"Game over, Spinel." Pink said, moving her hands closer to make the dome shrink. "You LOSE."

Hearing this from Pink, it made Spinel furious and her eyes bloodshot! She grabbed the walls and began pushed as hard as she can while her breathing began to get heavy!

"Game over? The only game I ever lost to you was hide and seek, and I did that on purpose!" She roared, pushing with all her might as her hands began to grow bigger and expand against the dome!

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