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As they sat down after ordering, Sana opened up her mouth, "so tell me how is it like with your dad"

"what do you mean?"

"well, as you know, my parents are just showing affection for show and your face says otherwise so maybe I guess it's different with your dad?"

Jihyo was surprise how casually Sana talked. She spoke as if she had known Jihyo for all her life. Jihyo didn't know what to say or how to act.

"oh, im sorry. Am I being too casual?" Sana then laughed softly, "I apologies. I'm just a very hyper person so I talk like this to everyone I meet" Sana smiled. Jihyo just nodded in reponse. Sana pouted, "don't have to be all serious. I want to be friends and I mean it"

They looked at each other as the barista came with their coffees, "here's your order and enjoy your day" both of the girls thank the barista before looking back each other.

Sana then got the gist of what's happening, "ah I see. You must be hesitanting since you are friends with them..." Sana then looked down with both of her hands together on her lap.

"they told me that it used to be the eight of you before the separation so I just figured that the relationship isn't good between the both parties"

Sana looked back at Jihyo as she breathed in, "well, it's complicated. we aren't friends anymore but everything is okay between us. Don't worry. I have nothing bad to say about them"

"can I ask you a question?"

"sure" Sana's smile came back as she was willing to hear Jihyo's question.

"why do you want to be friends? Don't you have enough friends already?" Jihyo asked coldly.

Sana scoffed, surprised at the question with that tone, "well aren't you full of surprises"

"just answer the question" Jihyo said seriously.

"if you must know, I just want to have a friend where I can relate my problems with. Yes, I do have friends but they will never get me because they aren't living in my shoes and when I found out that I would be able to be friends with you, well, I guess I just got excited" as Sana explained, Jihyo looked into her innocent eyes and figured maybe Sana isn't as bad as she seems to be.

"I guess it would be nice to have someone I can relate to"

Sana smiled at Jihyo's response, hopefully to continue this good energy that is slowly coming up and running.

"to answer your first question when we came here, my dad used to be different till an incident occurred and every since then, everything he does is just fake"

"I understand how you feel" Jihyo noticed Sana's happy face turned to a sad one, "my parents were always loving and supporting me in everything. I thought their love was unconditional but when I fell in love with girl, they didn't accept it and thats when they started to change"

Jihyo understood Sana's feelings, "my situation was similar..." Jihyo stopped before continuing, "I fell in love with a girl. He was accepting at first and I got together with the girl but I don't know what happened but he asked me to break up with her"

"how long did the both of you dated?"

"about 2 years"

"if you had loved her, why didn't you fight for her?"

"he threaten to put me in an arrange marriage if i refused to do what I was told"

"did he say why?" and Jihyo shake her head, "well that's unfortunate... and now? If you don't mind answering"

"I have bumped into her a couple of times but had always avoided her. Now... now is just different. I see her frequently but we don't talk"

"do you still love her?" and Jihyo nodded, "then why don't you try to talk to her again?"

"how am I suppose to talk to her when the relationship broke because of me?"

"because I know how she still feels about you" that response got Jihyo frowning her eyebrows. Sana sighed, "I know. You and y/n used to date. It's no secret to me"


"her older sister told me. Remember? It was the eight of us"

"but that doesn't make sense. Nayeon is older-"

"Nayeon retook a year in high school and that's how we became friends. It was the seven of us, then came Nayeon"

"y/n didn't tell me she was friends with you back then"

"we weren't. y/n was in a different school and Nayeon never introduced us to her but she talks about y/n alot"

"why didn't she?" and Sana just shrugged.

"we asked her before but it was always the same answer, because I don't want to."

"why are you telling me this?"

"because y/n still has feelings for you, Jihyo. I know i didn't really give you the first good impression but my relationship with y/n is nothing but sisterly. I cling onto her because I'm a clingy person. That is all" Jihyo stayed quiet, "who knows maybe the both do you were bound to be together. Maybe it's fate"

"I don't know Sana..."

"at least give it a try, okay?"

"I guess"

"it's okay. Just baby steps" Sana said before changing her tone, "so what's your hobby?" she said cheerfully and Jihyo chuckled at the sudden change of mood.

"it's singing. I used to do ballet but i quitted afterwards. It wasn't for me"

"let's go for a karaoke night. Just the two of us"

"sure. Sana?"


Jihyo wanted to ask a question but she changed her mind and just changed it, "what about you? What's your hobby?"

"mine? Nothing much really. I guess watching anime? or dancing? My friend, Momo, she likes to dance so the three of us dance together from time to time when we're free"

"can you tell me more about them?"

"well, Momo loves to eat and going to the gym. Mina does ballet. Me and Momo are very loud at times and Mima is the quiet type. The three of us are childhood friends. We met in nursery class"

"if you don't mind me asking," Jihyo decided to just not beat around the bush, "what exactly happened to the eight of you?" Sana was stunned as she stayed still with her coffee at her mouth.

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