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They finally had reached school. As they got out of the car, they heard a motor engine. As it parked into the parking lot of the school, the person took off their helmet, revealing you.

"ah, y/n comes to school with her bike" as Sana closed the car door.

Jihyo looks closely at your bike and realised it was a different brand. You were even wearing a different helmet, not the one that she bought for you. It hurted her but she shake herself mentally, "what's wrong with me" she thought to herself.

Jihyo turned to Sana, "does she still keep anything that we had?"

"remember the locket she has of you? Well, she still wears it everyday. She just hides it"

Jihyo scolded herself internally. Why is she still bothering about it? She has hurt you and here she is asking if you still had things of her? As if she was like a toxic ex, still wanting attention from their previous partner even though they have someone else. Well, that was how Jihyo felt about herself.

"don't beat yourself up" Sana could tell, Jihyo was kind of easy to read, "its normal to still ask this questions when the feelings you have for her is still there even though you know it's your fault, although, it wasn't"


"look, it wasn't your fault. It's your dad's. You have the right to still have this feelings for her even though you don't want to. You love her. The same way she does for you. She wants to move on from you but she can't. She still holds tightly onto the memories of you in her heart. It's breaking her but she doesn't care" as Sana explained that all, Jihyo was looking at you.

Sana sighed as she took Jihyo by her hand, "let's head to class" as they walked to class, her and Sana's friend watch as Sana dragged Jihyo to class.

Mina and Momo looked at each other as they shrugged before heading back into their own classroom while for Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Chaeyoung, they just followed Jihyo from behind.

As Sana brought Jihyo to her seat, "I'll see you later" she said before leaving. Jihyo's friends then sat with her, "what was that?" Dahyun said.

"what was what?"

"Sana was holding your hand. Are you two friends now?"

"sort of. We are actually living together now" and the three of them shouted. Jihyo shushed them after.

"what's going on?" Jeongyeon asked and Jihyo told them what had happened yesterday and they nodded as an acknowledgement.

"okay... I mean, the both of you are daughters of CEOs so it kinda does make sense" Jeongyeon said.

"it's still shocks me though. I thought Sana had feelings for y/n" Chaeyoung said.

"or maybe she did but she decided to throw it away because she wants to be friends with Jihyo?" Dahyun said.

"omg. Stop with your wattpad stories" Jeongyeon pretended to scold the both of them.

"sorry~ drama you know" Dahyun acted offended and Jihyo giggled. that's when her heart sank when she heard your voice as you came from behind them, "hey"

the three of them turned around except for Jihyo, "hi"

"so chae, you coming over to my place later on?"

"umm" Chaeyoung hesitated with Jihyo around. She didn't want Jihyo to get the wrong idea or anything.

"what's wrong? you look scared"

"me? scared? pfft"

"don't worry, I don't bite, little cub"

"wow~ such a sweet talker" Dahyun said sarcastically and you chuckled.

Pretend || Park Jihyo × fem. readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant