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Afterwards, the girls headed to the front of the school as they awaited for Jihyo's driver to arrive. They couldn't stay still as they were excited to see Jihyo's house for the first time, "well here's our ride" as Jihyo pointed out to her car.

"damn, so fancy~" Dahyun said as the car door slide open.

Jihyo giggled, "come on" as she gestured her friends to go in first.

"good evening, Ms Park. How was your day?"

"it was alright, thank you" her driver nodded at her response before driving off.

Hours later, they finally reached her place and as the girls got out of the car, their jaws dropped as they were astounded by the size of Jihyo's house, "that is a big house..." Dahyun said softly.

"I expected nothing less than from a ceo's daughter" Jeongyeon said.

"why do you need such a big mansion just for two people?" Chaeyoung looked at Jihyo.

"well, if you have the money, why wouldn't you want something big?" they turned their head to find Sana.

"sana... " Chaeyoung sighed.

"don't worry. I didn't want to see you guys either. My dad just had something to talk with Jihyo's dad" Sana explained before looking at Jihyo with a bit of annoyance in her face before walking off.

"what's her problem?" dahyun said as she rolled her eyes while chaeyoung shrugged.  Jeongyeon was the only one who knows about y/n and Jihyo so she noticed the little change in Jihyo's face. Jihyo tried to make it seem like nothing was going on but to those who knew Jihyo's feelings such as y/n and Jeongyeon, she was easy to read, "let's head to my room" Jihyo said cheerfully in order to hide her sadness and Jeongyeon played along. After their fun time, Dahyun and Chaeyoung headed hom first while Jeongyeon stayed behind. 

"not going home?"

"I want to talk to you" Jeongyeon said as she tapped the space beside her as she sat down on Jihyo's bed.

"what is it?"

"tell me what's on your mind. you can let go, don't worry"

Jihyo chuckled softly, "am I really that easy to read?"

"to me, yes but to others, I don't think so. I saw your face change when we saw Sana earlier"

Jihyo sighed, "sana was happy that y/n's memory of me was wiped off"

"and that bothers you?"

"I know it's my fault for causing y/n pain but I don't need people to keep reminding me and plus, my relationship was going so well with Sana..."

"look, whatever happened after the break up, isn't on you. It's normal to fall when your world was built with the person but whatever decision is made afterwards, was their choice to make so y/n's pain isn't entirely on you, know that Jihyo, and as for Sana, well, just let her be. She's like that now because of how y/n is really close to her. Imagine if you were friends with your friend's ex-friend and you tried to get along with them, just because your friend still like them regardless and if your friend got hurt because of the ex-friend, you would jump in, wouldn't you?" Jihyo slowly nodded, "so just give her space. Everything will fall into place" Jeongyeon then hugged Jihyo while she thanked Jeongyeon for the comfort. 

Time skipped and today was Jihyo's shopping day with her friends. Jeongyeon had double-checked with jihyo if she was really okay with y/n coming along, and jihyo reassured jeongyeon that it was fun. However, y/n told them that she couldn't make it because Sana had dragged her along somewhere so she told them to have fun. Jihyo was disappointed but didn't let it stop her from having a good time with her friends. 

As they reached the mall, Dahyun and Chaeyoung was cheering, "hehe, yay, Jihyo's treat!"

"those two are inseparable" as Jihyo facepalmed while Jeongyeon giggled softly as she placed her hand on Jihyo's shoulder. 

Their time so far was fun as they headed towards Swensen for dinner. As they awaited for their food, the duo was chanting, "yummy yummy food on it's way" 

"oh my god" Jeongyeon and Jihyo hid their faces. Afterwards, they told each other jokes and they had a good laugh to kill the awaiting time and finally, what felt like years for Dahyun and Chaeyoung, they got excited. As they ate, Jihyo couldn't help to feel something was off. She looked around and saw y/n with Sana. Jihyo didn't even try to hide it as a frown was placed onto her face. 

"Jihyo" Jeongyeon whispered as she noticed. Jihyo turned to Jeongyeon and she slowly shake her head, hinting to Jihyo that it wasn't worth it. Jihyo then removed her attention from y/n and back to her time with her friends. By the end of the day, they had posted on their stories and feed showing everyone that they were having a good time with one another. 

After that day, Jihyo's schedule was packed with meetings and paperwork as she worked day and night and so was Sana while the others were either relaxing or doing their part-time job. As for y/n, her schedule was pack with studying, working and writing music. Studying for the upcoming final exam, her future career while she worked on her music and as a barista at the coffee shop. The only time when she rested was when she goes out, night-riding with eunwoo or when she goes out with her aunt as she always passes out in the car. 

While everyone was busy and having fun in their own way, as it felt like with just a blink of an eye, it was the last day of the holiday before school starts again. Every student was annoyed by it and wished that it would have been longer but nevertheless, coincidentally, since it was a huge popular carnival, majority of them had went to the same place while the rest was doing their own things or even just sleeping. Sleeping is a privileges as you grow older.

It was as if it was like a school reunion or gathering as they all met up with on another at the carnival and this got Jihyo nervous as she was anxious to see you with Sana so to calm her down a bit, Jeongyeon had held onto her hand throughout but unfortunately for the both of them, coming towards midnight as they made their way to the parking lot, they had met them with the others, all eight of them - Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Sana, Momo, Mina, You; and surprisingly even Tzuyu which was a big shock to all of them.

"Tzuyu?!" Momo said out loud. Tzuyu gave an awkward hello as she waved her hand and everyone was just standing there so awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. You then nudged Sana as you whispered to her, "go on" as you titled your head.

"really?!" she said softly to you. You nodded and she sighed as she held onto your hand tighter, "since we're all here, I want to apologies. Apologies for the past mistakes and our separation. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to be friends again" she said with all the courage she had in her. 

It was silence for a few seconds before Jeongyeon spoke, "I'm sorry too. It was stupid of what we did back then and I have forgiven all but I just had thought that everyone was still on edge with one another so I didn't spoke about it. I hope we all can be friends again"

"to be honest, I have moved on too. All we did back then was immature decisions..." Momo said and after another second of silence, everyone had agreed to patch up, "since everyone is alright now, I don't see why not" Tzuyu smiled and so did the others. 

"by the way, what are you doing here, Tzuyu?" momo said.

"vacation?" mina titled her head.

"yeah, with my family. They're in the car. I just went back for the last corn dog" Tzuyu said. 

"well, how about a night reunion together? I have just the perfect place" you suggested and everyone nodded. Tzuyu then went to inform her parents first before leaving the group. You then brought them to the nearby hill as you went to the top, "welcome to my resting spot!" you smiled from ear to ear. 

"your resting spot?" Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow and you scratched the back of your neck nervously, "hehe. It's my secret place where I come to relax by myself. Nobody and no noise. Just peace"

"and you chose to expose it?" Chaeyoung said. 

"everyone was getting along so I just thought it was right. I mean you got to admit this is a perfect spot. Just look at the view!" you pointed out and they were in awe. 

And with that, the girls patched up and Jihyo even managed to even fall asleep on your lap as you caressed through her hair. 

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