10 Fall

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Peter stumbles and reach's for his right leg, I see blood when he moves his hand.

"Spider man! Are you alright?" I ask remembering not to use his real name.

"Fine, we can't stop, we need to get to Oscorp." He says trying to pretend he is.

Even though I wish he would rest and look after himself, I knew he was right, we need to get to Oscorp and stop Dr. Connors. We keep running Peter having a slight limp. We jump off the building and swing into the side of another one I easily land sticking to the side but Peter slams into a window nearly falling off but holding onto the ledge with one hand. I crawl down to Peter as his other hand holds one of his legs.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Peter says, clearly not.

As he starts to climb up I can tell that every step is pain as I fallow right beside him in case he starts to fall. It's hard for me to watch Peter knowing he's in pain but I know we can't stop and he definitely won't leave him alone. I finally reach the top of the building I grab Peter's hand pulling him up. I run across the roof and jump to the next building across the street. I turn around to see Peter banging into the edge, bricks breaking under his grip as he falls. Quickly I run to the edge looking over I relax a bit seeing the he landed on the fire escape. I swing down to Peter helping him up. We look below to the sounds of people not quite able to make out their panicked words and seeing people fleeing their cars trying to evacuate.
Peter runs up the fire escape and I swing to the top waiting for him. As he reaches the roof I go over to him.

"Stand up, I need to see your leg." I say to him.

He sigh's and does as I say probably because of how much pain he is in and the he knows arguing will get him nowhere. I go to his side where the injury is kneeling down, Luckily the bullet just missed enough of the skin to not be inside but it was pretty bad. I look up at Peter and aim my webs at it, covering it.

"That should do better for now and will help stop the bleeding." I say and I stand up beside him.

"Thank you, I lov-." I interrupted him by putting a finger on his mask when his mouth would be.

"Me too, but we got to hurry," I say taking my finger off and I drop my hand beside his, I feel his fingers intertwined with mine.

As I look forward I notice the cranes aligning themselves for a clear path to Oscorp for me and mainly Peter to swing on. We let go of each other's hands and I run to the edge of the building with Peter but I slow down because Peter is behind running with his limp before almost completely abandoning the limp and running faster. I shoot a web attaching to the closest crane  looking beside me I watch in worry as Peter's web misses and he falls. I stand on top of the crane as Peter is just able to grab hold of the metal support beam that the crane was carrying, I breathe and the crane moves back to order. I swing to the next crane and this time Peter makes it, we keep swinging from crane to crane through the street before reaching Oscorp and we swing to the side of the building both of us sticking the landing.
Peter shoots two webs to the top and uses them as a sling shot launching him into the air. I do the exact same since it is the fastest way up.
I reach the top landing on the roof.
I look up to see Peter swinging around the cell tower and kicking the Lizard off.

(Sorry about how short it is the next chapter will be longer.)

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