2 Oscorp

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We enter the tall Oscorp building together and walk to the front desk.

     "Excuse me, can I help you?" A Lady sitting at the front desk asked us.

"I don't, know we're here to see Dr. Connors." Peter asked her.
I smile beside him.

"Right. You'll find yourself to the left." The Lady said.
We just stand there not quite sure what to do. "You are here for the internship?" She questioned.

"Yeah." Me and Peter both say.

"Ok you'll find your badges to the left." The Lady at her front desk instructed us.

We walk over, I scan through the names looking for a girl's one.

"Having trouble finding yourself?" She questioned looking at both of us.

    "No. Yeah, we got it." Peter says as he grabs the first one he sees and I grab one above his.

   "Ok Mr. Guevara and Miss. (L/n)." The Lady said.

    "Gracias." Peter says smiling.

"De nada." She responded.

We both smile at each other quickly walking off to find the internets. We find the group but are soon met with a familiar voice.
    "Welcome to Oscorp. My name's Gwen Stacy I'm a senior at midtown science, and I'm also head intern. To Dr. Connors."

Peter and I hide behind the rest of the interns hoping Gwen wouldn't notice.

We enter a room with many desks and people busy at work with experiments and what ever but my attention is brought to the front when a one armed man in a lab coat introduces himself.

    "My name is Dr. Connors." The one armed man said.

I blank out for a bit thinking about the few things Peter told me about although I really only remember him saying that he was a friend of Peters father and that they worked together but he never talked to the family when Peters father and mother died. Connors continues to talk, but I came back to reality when everyone moved out of the way revealing Peters and my location to Gwen.

    "Cross-species genetics." Peter says.

I suppose a question was asked that he was answering. After Peter explains I can see how impressed Dr. Connors is about what Peter said.

As soon as Dr. Connors leaves Peter and I start to sneak off.

    "What are you doing Rodrigo?" Gwen asks Peter.
    "What are you both doing here?"

    "I work here." Peter says, I elbow him. "I don't. I was going to say I work here, but it seems like you in fact, do, work here so you know that I don't work here."

I laugh at Peter and he elbows me back.

"Ok so why are you here?" Gwen asked.

"Because we love science." Peter told her.

"Ok, for you Peter that's slightly more believable, but not for (Y/n), not so much." Gwen said then she glances back at the intern group. "I have to lead this group, I'm going to ask you both more about this later, don't get me in trouble." Gwen warned.

"I promise we won't." Peter confirmed.

He says as we slowly walk away from the group and Gwen. But Peter accidentally bumps into a man casing him to drop the papers he was holding, as Peter helped the man pick up his papers, I could see that Peter noticed something. He started to fallow the man.

    "What did you see?" I ask quietly as we fallow the man.

"Those symbols were the same as my Dad's file that I found in his briefcase." Peter whispered to me.

    "Oh." I say as I follow him and ask no more questions.

We stop when the man comes to a metal door. Putting a code in a little pad on the side and then he enters the room. He came out shortly afterward with two more people.
As soon as they were gone Peter and I quietly approached the door. I watch as Peter somehow remember the code and we entered.

    "What is all this stuff?" I look at the web canisters but then I notice Peter entering another room with many spiders. without thinking I fallow Peter just as he touched one of the webs. The webs start moving I can tell that's not supposed to happen.

    "What did you do?" I ask him a little scared.

"I don't know?" Peter answered looking at it curiously.

Suddenly spiders started raining down on us I quickly try getting them off but more keep falling Peter could see how stressed knowing how much I hate them and he rushes over to me getting them off.

     "Hey, hey. (Y/n) it's okay, just breathe." Peter told me.

Just like how suddenly they started falling they just stopped. Peter grabs my hand quickly leading me out of the room. Just as we make it out we meet Gwen.
    "All right give me the badges. And leave!" Gwen asked.

"Sorry." Peter apologized.

As soon as she left Peter yelped for in pain reaching for his neck.

    "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think so." Peter smiled still rubbing his neck.

We leave Oscorp.

"I'm going on the subway." Peter told me.

    "Ok I'm going see if I can have any luck with getting a ride home with Gwen."

"Good luck." Peter smiled as he walked toward the subway.

    "Bye." I wave.

I successfully get a ride home with Gwen.

    "So (Y/n) what were.." Gwen started to ask.

She stops noticing me slowly drifting off to sleep in the car.

    "(Y/n), (Y/n)! We're here!", Gwen gently shakes me awake.

    "Have a good night." I slowly get out of the car.

    "Stay out of trouble!" Gwen yells before she leaves.

The moment I get in my room I throw my jacket on the floor and fall onto my bed instantly going to sleep.

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