8 School And The Lizard

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Peter taps on Gwen's window.

    "Come in." Gwen says as she continues to work on her laptop. "You should maybe come through the lobby like normal humans."

Peter and I laugh slightly being both in pain.

    "My Father is under the impression that Peter requires psychiatric attention." Gwen laughs.

Peter and I stumble through the window, Peter holding me so I don't fall clearly in pain.

    "(Y/n), Peter! What happened?" She quickly rushes over helping me onto the bed with Peter beside me.

    "You should see the other guy." Peter panted.

    "The other guy, in this instance, being a giant mutant Lizard." I say.

    "Gwen! do you want cocoa. Howard's making some cocoa?" We hear Gwen's Dad call.

    "No, Dad I don't want cocoa. Honestly, I'm 17 years old." Gwen responded sticking her head out the door.

    "Ok. I remember somebody saying last week her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house." Mr. Stacy says.

Peter and I laugh quietly.

    "Well, that's impractical, and fattening." She says before shutting the door and her Dad walks away.

    "Chocolate house." Peter says smiling.

    "Oh shut up." She smiles and goes back over to us. Gwen hands me a shirt so she can look at me stomach without my top only having a bra on.
My wound on my stomach already stopped bleeding as Gwen starts to clean it. Peter's and my fingers interlock and I rest my head on Peter's shoulder before he kisses me. About 30 minutes later Gwen finishes and I put on the top half of my suit and hand Gwen back her shirt. I stand up Peter and I kiss almost forgetting about Gwen.

    "Be safe." Gwen says and we turn to look at her.

    "Thank you, see you tomorrow at school." I say.

    "I don't want you putting your selves in danger, you're my best friends I can't be always worrying that you both might not live." She stands up.

     "I have to, I created him." Peter admitted.

    "What!" Me and Gwen both say.

    "I gave him an equation that made all of this possible. Something my father worked on, secretly. Now I realize why he kept it a secret. This is my fault, I have to fix it."

    "Peter, it's not your fault, you didn't know." I kiss him. "Now we have school in the morning."

Peter and I swig out of Gwen's apartment and head home. I kiss him one last time before I go in my room and he goes to his.

The next morning I got up had a shower just like any other day, but I had a feeling that something was off that something wasn't right, I looked at my black suit laying on my bed. Trying to ignore the feeling wasn't working so just in case I put on my suit and put regular clothes on over top then I run off to school.

I meet up with Peter and Gwen in the hall.

    "(Y/n) how are you feeling? You looked pretty bad last night?" Gwen asks.

    "I feel great actually." I replied smiling.

I hear a loud noise behind me fallowed by screaming and the smash of a wall and soon a giant Lizard walking around the corner.
People quickly running away, fleeing the school. I turn to Gwen and push her back.

    "Go!" Peter and I yell, she nods and runs.

Peter runs forward towards the Lizard sliding and firing a web to its leg tripping it. I remove my hoodie and pants before punching the Lizard in the face then Peter jumps on its back about to punch him but he is flung off and hits me knocking me to the floor as the Lizard slams Peter into the lockers and throws him through a wall. I pull my mask on and fallow seeing the Lizard holding Peter against the ground. Quickly I jump onto the Lizard's back raping my arms around his neck and pulling him back off of Peter. Peter uses his webs bringing his backpack to him just as he is slammed through a wall. The Lizard grabs me tossing me across the room with a shelf landing on me. I'm just able to see the Lizard mixing two things together then throwing it at the hole in the wall that Peter is and it explodes.

    "Peter!" I yell.

And the Lizard turns towards me as I struggle to stand up, my body trying its best to heal fast.

    "All these souls, lost and alone. I can save them. I can cure them." The Lizard says as he walks closer to me.
    "Your a monster! And what you want to do isn't saving." I say as he reaches a hand toward me. Just then a shoe hits the Lizard in the head, and it turns to face where the shoe came from roaring.
Peter jumps out from the hole with his suit on, shooting two webs bringing down two lights on his head angering the Lizard more, he shoots another web toward me and he pulls me to him, I jump on the Lizards back again covering his eyes and Peter webs his arms back as the Lizard stumbles into the hall. I fall off and Peter jumps on punching his head.

    "You're not thinking straight Doc. Stop this. This isn't you." Peter says as the Lizard backs into a locker.
Peter swings off his back. Peter crawls on the ceiling and the Lizard fallows. I run pulling the Lizard down, he slams me into the ground. Peter webs his hand to a locker. But he tears the locker door off and tries to hit Peter. I web his mouth and Peter grabs his tail. Peter is flung through the hall I shoot a web at him but I am just pulled along with him as we are flung through a door and slide across the ground. Peter holding onto its detached tail.

    "That's disgusting." I says as he throws it away.

    "Then your grabbing the tail next." Peter jokes.

Standing up we fire webs at the Lizard then jump to kick it but we got caught, squeezing his hand tightly around my waist as he holds Peters head and slams him into the glass Peter trying to get his hand off as he slams me into the glass beside Peter.
Suddenly the Lizard is whacked across the head with a trophy, dropping Peter and me he turns to look at Gwen the one that did it.

    "Gwen." The Lizard says as she backs up.

I feel a strong pain in my chest as I run in front of Gwen as the Lizard goes to punch me. Peter grabs his hand and jumps around him staring to cover the Lizard head to toe in web, I help attaching the webs to the wall and ceiling temporarily stopping the Lizard from moving. I pick up the trophy that Gwen had and I smash it through a window.
Peter and I look at Gwen.

    "I'm going to throw you out the window now." I say.

    "What?" Gwen says.

Before she can react I toss Gwen through the window, she screams as Peter shoots a web catching her and she swings down with it.
Peter and I turn back towards the Lizard which has broken free from the webs and we hear the sound of sirens approaching.

    "Uh-oh." I say and I look at Peter smiling in my mask.

    "Somebody's been a bad Lizard." Peter says.

We are thrown through a wall into the library.
We jump across the falling bookcases and swing to the ground as the Lizard throws a table at me I jump up and stick to the ceiling as Peter catches it with his web and throws it back to the Lizard, I jump back down beside Peter. Jumping towards the Lizard but it throws us back slamming us against a bookcase. When I look up the Lizard is gone.

    "Peter it's gone."
Removing our masks letting my long hair free. Peter and I run to the bathroom. Seeing a giant hole where a toilet should be, and an Oscorp lab coat on the floor.

    "Don't tell me we're going down there." I asked Peter.

    "I don't want you to get hurt, please."

    "And I'm not letting you go alone." I go up and kiss Peter before we go in.

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