Chapter Seventeen

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In the car on the way back to Myrtle's, Puddin said in a wheedling voice, "You know, Miz Myrtle, it's easier for me to clean if you ain't there."

"I'm sure it is easier. You don't have anyone telling you not to watch game shows instead of vacuum."

Puddin persisted stubbornly, "It ain't easy cleanin' up with somebody staring at you."

Myrtle sighed and looked out the passenger window as if trying to find where her patience had gone. Then she leaned forward. "That's Carter Radnor."

Sure enough, Carter was walking down the sidewalk with a small dog of indeterminate heritage.

Miles glanced over, "Looks like he's headed to the park."

Puddin said craftily, "You could meet him in the park an' ask him questions."

"All right. Miles, let's plan on accosting Carter in the park. Puddin, you plan on making my house sparkle."

This agreed upon, Myrtle and Miles headed to the park as soon as Puddin was dropped off at Myrtle's house. The park was right in the center of downtown and a popular place for the town to gather. It was directly across from an excellent ice cream shop, a happy coincidence many people took advantage of. There was a climbing wall for children, paths to walk on, and benches on which to sit. Myrtle and Miles decided to sit.

"You think Carter will come by this way?" asked Miles as they plopped onto a wooden bench with an excellent view of both the paths and downtown Bradley.

"His car is right there." Myrtle gestured to an elderly Cadillac that was parallel parked yards away.

So they sat and waited. Sure enough, twenty minutes later up came Carter with the little dog.

"Well, hi there," said Carter, pausing in front of them. "I didn't see y'all here before."

"Oh, we decided to hang out after having breakfast at the diner," said Myrtle airily.

The little dog, an odd mixture of a bushy chin, droopy ears, and a wiry tail, came up to Myrtle and sniffed curiously. Myrtle reached out and petted it.

Carter beamed at her. "Crystal has really taken to you, Myrtle! She doesn't take to everyone."

She didn't, in fact, seem to have taken to Miles. Miles gave the dog a wary look and Crystal showed a few teeth.

"Yes, well, animals do tend to be drawn to me." She looked up at Carter and said, "My, you're dressed up for walking the dog."

He turned a bit pink, which made Myrtle raise her eyebrows.

"Ah, I thought I might run into Orabelle here," he murmured, taking great interest in a rather sickly-looking gardenia bush.

"Does Orabelle usually hang out in the park?" asked Myrtle. "I thought she'd be delivering mail now."

Carter next gave a soliloquy on Orabelle's daily schedule and routine involving lunch that made it very clear his interest in her couldn't be too recent.

Miles said, "So you're planning on meeting up with her?"

Carter sighed. "That's the ironic thing. She always follows the same routine. But today, when Charlie and I are all dressed up for Orabelle, she's not here."

Myrtle almost gave him a mini-lecture in what irony actually was. But she decided not to when she saw his dejected expression. Instead, she looked closer at the rather-unattractive little dog who was giving her a snarling smile and saw she did indeed have a bow on.

"Forgive me, Carter, but I somehow thought you'd always harbored a bit of affection for Pansy." Myrtle used her best nosy-but-harmless-old-lady voice.

Carter flushed again and looked away. "To be honest, I'm really angry at myself for pursuing Pansy for so long. Even you know about it, Myrtle. The whole town must have thought I was making a fool of myself."

A Body in the Attic : Myrtle Clover #16Where stories live. Discover now