Chapter Eight

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Miles pulled the car into his driveway and Myrtle raised her eyebrows. "I thought we were heading for my house."

"Let's come to mine and have brunch. It sounds like I might have more appropriate food in my house than you do."

"I have all those baked goods," protested Myrtle.

"For book club," reminded Miles.

"I've already had some breakfast this morning. With Elaine."

Miles said, "Maybe you can just have a little. That was a while back."

So they went into Miles's house and soon he'd made them eggs and bacon and some strong coffee since it would be a long day and they'd gotten an early start. Myrtle made a copy of the puzzle and comics page in the paper on Miles's printer and they worked the crossword puzzle at the same time.

Myrtle finished first and, pleased by her success, persuaded Miles to return to the chessboard where their game was still in progress. After she took Miles's rook, however, he glowered at her.

"What's wrong?" asked Myrtle in an innocent tone.

"You appear to be far better at this game than you'd indicated."

Myrtle shrugged. "If you say so. I haven't played in years. My dear departed husband and I used to play."

Miles's voice was accusatory. "You acted as if you didn't even know the name of the chess pieces!"

"Is it necessary to know the names of the pieces to win the game?"

Miles acknowledged this wasn't true and fumed for a few minutes until he realized he could take Myrtle's pawn.

She gave him a considering look. She'd set up the pawn as a trap and Miles had fallen right into it. "Perhaps we should give chess a break for a little while."

Miles glared at the board. "Maybe just for today. Apparently, my mind isn't quite with-it today."

Myrtle looked at her watch. "Heavens. Miles, we should head over to book club."

Miles didn't appear particularly enthusiastic about this suggestion. "It's pretty early."

"Yes, but I'm the person who suggested the library. I should make sure the community room is all set up with chairs out and tables for the food. And I'd like to put some props in the room, as well."

"Props?" Miles wrinkled his brow.

"Yes. Remember the underlying reason why I wanted to have the meeting at the library to begin with."

Miles said, "Because you wanted them to remember what book club is all about."

"Precisely. It's about books. It's not about alcohol. It's not about food. It's not about finding out what fabulous outfit Tippy is wearing and asking her where she got it. It's definitely not about catching up with local gossip."

Miles raised an eyebrow. "I thought one of the reasons we were going today was to catch up with local gossip . . . Pansy's, in particular."

"Well, okay, but that's because we're working to keep Bradley safe from a dangerous killer who is on the loose. We're doing it for philanthropic reasons. But besides that, we're trying to remind people that books are the basis of our club. Reading literature. Finishing the book."

Miles sighed. "Which I didn't. I didn't even know what the selection was."

"Of course you didn't. That's because the club has strayed from its original purpose to celebrate literature." Myrtle turned a critical eye to Miles's bookshelves. "I was going to do this at the library, but now I think it might be easier to simply raid your shelves."

A Body in the Attic : Myrtle Clover #16Where stories live. Discover now