These two were playing too many games and we didn't finish the shoot until 9. I just wanted to finish what we had to do and get home to my man. At least they got me some Shake Shack to make up for it.

"What are you doing?" Tae asked.

"Eating a bag of potato chips with peanut butter. You want some?" I offered before the bag was snatched from my hands.

"Give me that. You're supposed to be getting ready."

"I'm waiting for the bus to come first."

"The magic school bus?"

"No, Leo's bus. Remember how I told you he's in daycare sometimes?"


"They have a bus that picks them up and drops them off at home."

"He's living the good life."

"Whatever. Where did you get keys from?" I got up to go to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I drink this sh*t at any time of the day. I love it.

"Kyle gave us his."

"Why? I can do my hair and makeup myself. I want everything to be light and natural tonight."

"A little help won't hurt."

"I guess." My phone vibrated and checked it to see a text from the daycare, signaling that Leo was nearby. "The bus is getting closer. I'll be right back." I slipped on my slippers and went outside by the curbside. I saw the bus down the block and I could see Leo smiling through the window.

"Hi Susan." I greeted the bus driver as it came to a stop next to me.

"Hi Nicole. How are you and Kyle?"

"Pretty good. Hope he was good today."

"As always." She walked over to Leo's seat and unbuckled him. "Bye Leo!" He barked as he hopped off the bus and ran over to me.

"Thank you. I love the haircut by the way."

"Thank you! You're the first person to notice."

"Really? Well, you look beautiful."

"I appreciate it. Y'all enjoy the rest of your day."

"You too!" I waved at her as she ran to drive away.

"Hey, baby boy. Did you have fun today?" I scratched behind his ears. He waved his tail and jumped around me. "Alright, come on." I followed him into the house.

"Hi Leo." Tae and Tucson are cool with Leo, but Tucson is like hands-off with dogs. He's not scared of them, but he's not a fan and I respect that. He and Leo have an understanding.

"There is something y'all can do for me."


"Get him cleaned up and dressed. He just needs a bowtie."

"I don't know about that."

"Pretty please?"


"You two are the best. I'm going to get ready." I wrapped my hair and put three shower caps on before stepping into the shower.

I washed myself really well before getting out and moisturizing my body with my Fenty body butter. Then, I got dressed and layered my fragrances all over my body. I used my leave-in conditioner on my hair to get the curls popping. I checked the time to see it was 3:46.

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