2 - Dark Deeds lead to Detention

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Adapting to your incredible new life in the past isn't easy.
Everything is just so old style and you struggle to keep your mouth shut and not telling how things are easier in your time.
Your advantage is that you already studied the sixth year stuff, so it's just a review for you and you pass your exams easily.
And soon getting high grades attracts envy.

You're used to roam the castle in group, but once you are on your own, a big snake cuts your way.
Your first reaction is fear and the need of running, but when you see Malfoy's grin as he comes to face you it turns into spite.
He's Draco Malfoy's ancestors. Draco is a Death Eater. So you can't stand any prank from him.
You take your wand and attack the snake, revealing that it's just magic that vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

"They say girls from Beauxbatons are mostly half Veela, but you don't look like one. Maybe that's why they sent you away?".
You sneer at his subtle insult "Leave me alone, Malfoy. Go playing with you slithering friends".
"Maybe they expelled you because you cheat".
You were about to walk passed him, when his teasing halts you.
"I beg your pardon?" you hiss dangerously.
"Professors can be unfair when they want to make a new one feel welcomed. But I suspect you cheat in the exams. You look distracted and sleepy in most of our classes".
He isn't far from truth. You feel bored most of the time.
"Maybe I'm sleepy because I spend nights studying instead of snoring as you do" you smirk at your reply and at how it affects him.
"Someone should teach you some respect. The only good thing is that they replaced a mudblood with a pureblood. Other than that you have nothing to brag about".
You stare at him with surprise "What did you say?".
Striking like a snake he is, he snatches your papers from your hands and throws them into the near fountain.
You gasp, having been working on the essays for days.
And he ruined them in the blink of an eye.
You take out your wand and aim it at his robes, thinking "Coffringo".
A sparkle set the fabric on fire, a fire that quickly spread.
Malfoy jumps and screams, trying to get rid of the burning clothes.
You just stand there and admire your work.

The sound of steps warns you of someone coming to see what's going on.
Your joy turns into disappointment as from the dungeons appears Riddle.
He waves his hand with a bored gesture and the fire vanishes, leaving a whining Malfoy on the floor.
Riddle's eyes are fixed on you.
Other people arrive and finally you feel in trouble as amongst them you spot Professor Slughorn.

"What? Miss Y/L/N? Can you explain?".
"He attacked me" you say sounding petty. You show the ruined papers "He threw my essays into the water".
Slughorn walks to you to take the evidences and turns to the boy who is whining for his ruined uniform.
"Malfoy? Against our guest?".
"It was unintentional. She set me on fire!".
"It was unintentional" you echo him "I was defending myself. Or he'd destroy also my books!".
"She used nonverbal spells. I couldn't defend myself" he says, but nobody is listening to him anymore, except for Riddle.
Slughorn looks sorry for you and embarassed.
"Shall we meet with the Headmaster and the other professors? So you can tell them what happened and we decide how to punish the responsible" he pats a hand on your shoulder as you sob dramatically for not shaking with anger "It's alright".
People walk away, already forgetting about that little accident.

You stop and turn to see Riddle walking to you.
"Let me help" he points at your ruined papers and waves his hand murmuring a spell you don't know.
You see the papers drying and the ink moving to form the writings again.
"Thanks" you mumble.
He shrugs, then leans closer.
You freeze, wondering at his intentions.
"Be careful with your thirst of revenge" he whispers to your ear, his bottom lips slightly touching your skin and that's enough to make you hyperventilate.
He walks away, saving you from the embarrassment of him enjoying your reaction and your red face.

"Really you set Malfoy on fire?".
Again someone asks you that. That world must be very boring if your little adventure already makes you look like a hero.
You brief the story one more time as you enjoy your lunch with your classmates, then disapprove as you hear them focusing on the upcoming Quidditch matches.
Quidditch is sooo slow, since the brooms are also sooo slow.
But you agree to watch them only to hope that Slytherin gets defeated.
You wonder if the Slytherin gang is trying to bully you because you are becoming competition to their top student, perfect Prefect Riddle.
You surely can't let anyone bully you.

Trapped in the Past (Tom Riddle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now