8: Kylee

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Phinn had fallen asleep before I even got back to the house. He was snoring softly, not loud enough to be heard but still slightly noticeable. I broke the seal of The Valleys Of Hell and started reading it. It read-
Chapter One: The Nevengton Killer.
It was a morning like any other in Nevengton Valley. The birds were chirping and the wind was rustling the flowers with its usual soft breeze. Little Charley Sven Beavor had just woken up from his slumber, it was only seven am, however he was up and about before noon. The news was on and said someone had been going into people's houses at night and stealing them away from their families and friends. Charley didn't care that he was going to a party that night with some friends of his. There was going to be drinking and some spells casted but he did not mind that there was a serial kidnapper on the loose. He arrived at the party at about ten pm. He got very intoxicated and late into the night there was a knock at the front door. Charley answered the door and to his surprise there was nobody there. He looked down and saw a note, picked it up and it read "BEHIND YOU" He turned and his neck was split open and he collapsed. It turned out that the news was covering up the murders with a fake kidnapper. The Nevengton Killer has never been caught and to this day people go missing. Be careful. Chapter Two: The Bearded Man
Every day in Vapourish Valley was a nightmare for the people who lived in that forsaken town. But the most alarming story was the story of the Bearded Man. The Bearded Man was unlike any other man for one reason and one reason only. He wasn't a man at all; he was a creature from the deepest parts of Vaporish Valley Swamp. The townspeople thought that he was just a entity or a myth but no he was a creature with huge talons and sharp teeth and wings the size of a flagship but for some strange reason he was never spotted until a fateful day where there was a big wildfire that destroyed everything including The Bearded Man's home. He was furious and flapped his wings, taking off from the ground for the first time in centuries. He shot a huge ball of fire from his throat and scorched everything in his snake eyes sight. He destroyed Vapourish Valley and all the people who live there have been disfigured. Don't anger The Bearded Man. Chapter Three: The Doll Of Town
Good old Town. Also known as the City Of Dolls is a town within the Valleys Of Hell that is in fact very hellish. Our story begins in October of 1940. World War Two was in its second year and people were very scatterbrained trying to find a way to defeat the Nazis. But on the other side of the map in Town a nightmare was brewing in the form of a porcelain doll named Analeasesia. Analeasesia was a beautiful doll with platinum blonde hair and a cute outfit consisting of overalls and boots. Annalise was her nickname through Town and she was very well behaved at first until midnight November 1941. A lady entered the City and bought the doll and started doing hexes with it. She turned Analeasesia into a Voodoo doll who worked to create more voodoo dolls and take over the City Of Town until the year 2001 when a group of scientists ended up stealing the ladies batch of dolls including Analeasesia which was now called The Doll Of Town. The scientists caused an apocalyptic explosion and destroyed the world with what they called "Doll Suits'' the world was quickly rebuilt in the following year by a cult by the name of The Watching Ones. The Watching Ones now rule Nevengton Valley and made up a whole story saying that if you were to leave your neighborhood you would be shot dead on the spot and if you somehow made it out of Nevengton you would be killed by an indescribable monster.- The rest of the book was written in what seemed to be some kind of dead language from the early ages. I closed the book and put it on my altar, then I grabbed another book and read it to myself. It was a boring book about literally everything I already knew about witchcraft. But I kept it because it could be useful for Phinn to study and learn from. It covered all areas of witchcraft criteria and even included a bunch of starter spells which I knew he needed because he is just a baby witch. There were also a bunch of manuscripts for potion recipes which were also a part of the knowledge I had on the subject. I closed the book and put it on Phinn's altar and then I laid next to him and fell asleep quite quickly actually. I had a dream about an old lady who was searching for mushrooms in the forest and she got killed by a creature with big talons and sharp teeth. I woke up in a ball of sweat and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and laid back counting sheep to fall asleep quickly. I didn't dream the second time, it was just plain old boring sleep. It was quite nice actually considering what was going to happen to Phinn the next day.

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