- one

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"Who's the new girl?"

Xavier continued with his painting, not bothering to turn to see who I was referring to.

Enid Sinclair was currently showing around the new girl While explaining the different social groups here at Nevermore, Enid pointed toward me and Xavier — also drawing the attention of my fellow sirens.

I wiggled my fingers in a wave and sent a smirk over toward Bianca Barclay. She's pissed that i'm still hanging out with Xavier post their breakup. For some reason, she thought i'd take her side in their split since i'm a siren too even though i've known Xavier for almost the entirety of my life.

"Wednesday Addams." He mumbled, "Apparently she killed a kid at her last school."

I leaned back against the bare brick wall, fiddling with my amulet that hung around my neck, "Think I can pull one over on her?"

Xavier promptly stopped what he was doing to glare at me, "Caleigh." He warned, tapping the amulet. "You're not supposed to take this off, Weems would off you herself."

"You suck the fun out of everything."

I threw my hands down to my side like a child and Xavier let out a laugh. Unfortunately, I knew he was right. But that still didn't make it any less disappointing that I couldn't have the fun of controlling the new girl.

My gaze wandered across the quad.

The sight of Ajax being pushed away by Enid and looking mildly confused was entertaining. He had probably said something stupid.

The gorgon walked this way. Other than me, Xavier was closest to Ajax. Their rooms were next to each other and apparently, they had known each other almost as long as I had known Xavier. It was strange that I hadn't met Ajax until we started here at Nevermore a couple of years ago.

"That new Wednesday girl is scary as shit." he breathed out, falling back against the wall on the side of the painting opposite me.

Xavier quirked an eyebrow, "Oh, yeah? She's like 5'1, can't be that intimidating."

"Dude, she literally said she filets her victims and then feeds them to her mangery of pets."

"Menagerie." I corrected the boy.

"Her vibe is just... not it."

This seemed to be the relationship I had with Ajax.

He'd come to talk to Xavier about something while I was around, say something entirely incorrect, I'd correct him, and he'd move on as if nothing happened.

Almost as if I didn't exist. Not that it bothered me at all.

"What the fuck did I just walk into?" I paused in the doorway of my shared dorm room.

Enid had her claws out and Wednesday was looking at them skeptically. It was sights like this that made me thankful that I basically only slept here.

"This kitty's got claws, and I'm not afraid to use them." Enid threatened.

"E," I groaned, making my presence known. "I love you, but can you... not?"

The peppy blonde retracted her claws, standing up straight as a faint smile found its way to her lips. I've always loved Enid and how quirky she was, but sometimes it got a bit much.

Enid typically complied with my requests. In all honesty, I'm not sure if it was because she liked me or if she knew what I could do if I simply took my necklace off. But still.

"Good evening, girls." Ms. Thornhill walked in behind me, shutting our door. "Sorry about the mud. I wanted to make sure that Wednesday was settling in."

The redhead walked further into the room, passing me and going over to where my roommates stood.

She oftentimes ignored me, not that I totally minded, I liked to keep to myself for the most part. Other than Xavier, Enid, the Sirens, Yoko, and sometimes Ajax, most people stayed away from me. Apparently being a Grey came with its pitfalls.

My parents were infamous here at Nevermore, both Mom and Dad being the best at practically everything - including wreaking havoc. I always grew up thinking that my family was pure chaos, but hearing my parents' reputation here just confirmed my suspicions.

I was only going to be in here for a few minutes anyways. Xavier and I met in his art shed almost every night. He was going to paint whereas I'd either read or catch up on homework. It was a harmonious routine we had.

"That means keep your claws to yourself and no smothering people in their sleep." Thornhill's voice cut through my thoughts.

I quirked an eyebrow. Why had she felt the need to say that?

Once Thornhill left, I waved bye to Enid who promptly waved back. She was used to me going off with Xavier and coming back rather late.

As soon as I opened the door, Wednesday spoke up. "Where are you going?"

"Out?" I said it as more of a question than anything. This was the first time she'd spoken to me ever, and she's questioning where I'm going?

If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

"I'm aware of that..."

"Caleigh." I filled in the blank she left.

"I thought we were to stay in our dorms past 9pm, so I'm only wondering where you're going so late and breaking curfew."

I scoffed in amazement that she'd actually be curious. It seemed as though Wednesday did not care about conventional rules seeing as she nearly killed a kid, or actually did, at her old school.

"If you must know, there are ways around the curfew without getting caught. And I just so happen to know those ways." I gestured to the open door, holding onto my backpack straps. "So, if you don't mind, I have someone waiting on me."

I didn't stick around for a response.

She'd barely been my roommate for 12 hours and I already didn't like how much she was trying to get to know my business. I'd much rather keep me to me.

Knowing that I'd be found out if I wasn't quick down the hall and into the staircase, I moved quickly. Xavier normally waited just outside the building for me so we could walk over together. He didn't like when I walked alone at night, even after I told him time and time again that I could handle myself.

I pushed open the door from the staircase, already talking knowing that Xavier should be standing there. "Sorry I'm late, Xav. My new roommate is a little nosy-"

Except it wasn't just Xavier waiting there for me.


A soft smile showed on his lips as he waved to me. "Hi, Caleigh." Xavier sent me an apologetic look.

"I was leaving and Ajax caught me in the hallway." He attempted to explain the reasoning behind our addition for the night without sounding too harsh toward the beanie-wearing gorgon. "Once he found out where I was going he wanted to tag along."

I linked arms with Xavier, assuming the position we normally walked in out to the shed, before turning my attention back toward Ajax. "Welcome to the club then, Ajax."

I held my other arm out for him, offering for him to come close and walk with me and Xavier. Another smile. He linked his arm with mine and held it close as we all started walking down the dirt pathway.

Maybe making our duo a trio won't be the worst thing to happen.

ok ok, first chapter!
it's gonna have a slow
start, but i'm so excited (:

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