School Trip Pt.3

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Mimi Pov

I stop at a cliff. Seeing the beautiful waters and the sun shine. I slowly walk closer to the cliff wondering what is at the bottom of it. Sitting on the edge swinging my legs back and forward. Just trying to clear my mind.

Why would he do this to me? I love you with all my heart but you change into something different. Why? I scream at the top of my lungs sobbing. Yelling I Hate You! What did I do to deserve this?! Why do I have to marry a jerk who doesn't love me back?!

I stand up but I wasn't ready to jump or anything. I just wanted to see the view one last time so I can head back and ignore my whole life from jungkook and be strangers.

Counting out loud at this cliff I will forget everything of jungkook.
1.... when ever I think about you my heart pounds now my heart is broken
2.... i will forget our memories and stay away from you
3.... i will stop Loving you jungk------

Jungkook Pov

I'm going crazy, we're is she. I ran every where but i still can't find her. After hearing what jiae said I might as well break up with her. I had an allusion that I love her so I can replace mimi but i just like her not love her.

Let's break up- Me

Wae! I didn't do anything wrong, I was facing the facts that you need to hear about mimi- Jiae she roll her eyes at me

I don't need your help, you never love me, I saw you last week with another guy but I didn't say anything, plus I'm also doing you a favor.....I NEVER LOVE YOU- Me i ran out the way and I see the hyungs, they heard our conversation and they all clap.

I was going to have a heart attack,  please I need to find her. I didn't notice tears were coming down my face.

Jungkook calm down we will find her, you need to sit or lay down because you have a fever - Jimin says while holding down me

Let me go! I need to find her. How can you be so calm, she is missing- Me

She missing because of you!.....- Myungsoo

Shut up go fu** yourself- Me
i went up to him and grab his collar, about to punch him

your so hard headed, stupid, jack ass, and you can't see how much she loves you....even more than me, you don't deserve her- Myungsoo

I let go and i knew he was right. I don't deserve her. I ran off to the streets all the way up a hill. I ask a women if she knows were mimi is at but she told me there was a girl on the cliff crying. I ran as fast as I can and i saw a girl.

Mimi Pov

About to say the final words i felt a hand wrap around waist. I turn to see jungkook. Tears were coming down his face.

Please don't jump, i need you (*hehe I Need U by BTS back to story*) I know i did wrong, I know i did hurtful things but please I Love You, your my everything. -jungkook said while more tears coming down his face.

He suddenly press his lips against mine making them both touching eachother. His lips are so soft and sweet but it was very hot. Tears were coming down my face and i had no control. I didnt want this to end.

We finally break free from our kiss. And i push him away. Seeing him all sweaty, and out of breath. As for i the tears stop falling.

What are you talking about? I'm not jumping- Me i was confuse

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