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A//N: Hello everyone! I'm so excited to share this with you!!! 

Once upon a time..................................yeah......................uh-hu-hum..........

As usual the grinch is by himself LOATHING Christmas....

He's watching the news about two kids being arrested at the local grocery store for stealing two fish and going on a rampage! 

WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN... he hears the sleigh bells ring. Expecting to see the man he hates, he looks out the window and sees..... a blonde young man with a chiseld cawline. 

Now, being extremely hetero, he instantly galls in love with th man. He has to find ot who heis and where he is from. 

He decides to cyper-stalk.... and real life stalk. You know, gotta find out who he is, where he is, nad hwat he likes! !! !

For the solution to this problem; he kidnaps rudolph and forces him to tell him directions to santa.

He gives the directions due to the discrimination and racism he was facing while in captivity from his fellow reigndeer 

He then finds out that this is actually just santa who usually just wears a wig, but it fell off on the ride. 

Santa X Grinch (Christian Family & Friendly)Where stories live. Discover now