"Ah, you know. Gifts, artifacts, offerings. Just stuff that's been in my family for-" She stopped when she saw MK and Sandy touching and messing around with the artifacts. "Guys! Wait-" 

"If I had all this stuff, I don't even know what I would do. Sell it, probably." MK said. 

"Yeah, this stuff looks really great. Looks like a few good years, maybe. Centuries." 

"Guys, stop!" Mei yelled, as MK and Sandy paused. Y/N flinched at her yell. "Hands in pockets now." Mei demanded, and MK and Sandy quickly obeyed. "Follow me. You guys are such menaces, you know that? Except Y/N." Mei led them on a tour of her house. "This is the garage filled with all the awesome things I am not allowed to drive. This is one of our many long hallways. We also have the Celestial Jade Garden, the room with the 30 centuries of antiques, Pool of a Thousand Tears, tea and snack room, and my bedroom. And this is the Dragon Claw Chamber." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up." MK said as he approached and gawked at the Dragon Blade. "Whoa. Now this thing is cool. So, what's the dealio with this deal, yo?" 

"That's the sword of my great-great-great times a thousand great-grandfather, the Dragon of the West. Legends say that my grandfather imbued it with unimaginable power so that our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. Its true power will only show itself to those deemed worthy. A true member of our clan who's proven themselves strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil. But I'm not allowed to touch it. Hey, anyone want to see the game room?" Mei asked. 

Both Sandy and MK agreed, while Y/N nodded.


MK fooled around with the pinball machine in the game room. 

"A pinball machine? I've always wanted to try one of these." He spoke. 

"Yeah, now this place is home. All right. You two boot up the old TV. I will go get some s-n-n-n-nacks. Okay, don't break anything while I'm gone!" Mei said, before leaving the room. She then poked her head through the door. "Actually, Y/N can you come with me?" She asked the child. Y/N nodded and followed her out the door. MK watched as Y/N left the room suspiciously before shrugging it off and turning to the machine. 

"Ha. Don't break anything while I'm gone. Yeah, right." MK repeated. MK then accidentally broke the pinball machine plunger pulling on it. "Noooo."

"Party, board games, snacks, Bull Clone-" Mei stopped running making Y/N bump into her. "Wait a minute, you're a Bull Clone!" The Bull Clone looked at the two before fleeing with the sword. "Hey! Get back here!" Mei yelled as she and chased the Bull Clone through her house. Y/N followed close behind, watching as The Bull Clone threw Mei's parents' artifacts in the air, and Mei catching them in her arms. Mei whistled for her White Dragon Horse Bike, and jumped on, Y/N behind her.


"Careful, careful." Sandy said as MK put tape on the plunger, attempting to use duct tape to fix the pinball machine. Both MK and Sandy sighed in relief. The pinball machine then cracks in half and falls to the ground, breaking again. 


 "We're going to need more tape."


Mei and Y/N rode on the Dragon Bike, dogging thing that were thrown at them by the Bull clone. The bike then zooms though the hallway. They both crashed into it the Bull Clone and they all go flying. Mei slams into a wall, and Y/N does the same next to her. Mei then ducked causing The Dragon Blade to impale itself above her head. She reached up and takes hold of it, Y/N watching her in curiosity. 

"The Dragon Blade?" Y/N looked at her as she stood before speaking. "You know what? I am part of this family. I am Mei. Descendant of the great Dragon of the West Sea! This is mine, and this is my house!" A huge green blast of light filled the house before Mei was hovering in midair, staring down the Bull Clone. "Get out of my house." She said slowly before pointing the Dragon Blade at the Bull Clone. Mei blasted the Bull Clone outside with a beam of green light. Y/N looked at her with wide eyes, sweat dropping.

Inside the game room, the pinball machine is desperately being held together by duct tape. 

"Maybe a little more tape?" Sandy suggested. MK sighed before shaking his head. 

"No, no. I broke it. Part of being a hero is owning up to your mistakes. Wish me luck." MK peaked behind a pillar. "So, um, Mei, you know that really cool-" He gasped looking around the destroyed room. "Mei!? Y/N!? what happened!?" 

"MK! Someone tried to steal the Dragon Sword. I stopped them with this!" She held the Dragon Sword in the air. "The Dragon Sword!" 

"Whoa, the Dragon Sword. That's-" Sandy looked at him, arms crossed. "Mei, I'm glad you stopped them, but I have a confession to make. I accidentally-" 

"Accidentally what?" Mei and Y/N looked at him curiously as he sweat dropped. 

"-Accidentally... Didn't know what was going on. Wow, that thing's amazing!" 


The four looked back to see Mei's parents at the front door. 

"Mom, Dad. You're back." Mei said nervously. 

"We were on our way when we realized somebody forgot our luggage." Her father said. 

"Um, Sandy, were you kind of expecting Mei's parents to be literally two, big, scary dragons?" MK whispered to Sandy. 

"Um... No." 

"I can explain. Someone tried to steal the sword. I didn't let them. And I used this. I'm sorry." Mei admitted, bowing in shame. 

"We saw the whole thing." 

"But I couldn't just-" 

"And we're so proud of you!" 

Mei looked up confused. "What?" 

"The Dragon Blade is the pride of our family heritage. Its power only shows itself to those that embrace their history. Their family." Her father said, her mother then soon chimed in. 

"We may not always see eye-to-eye, and your friends are more unique than we expected." Her mother looked at MK and Sandy playing with Mo. She smiled at Y/N who shyly waved to her. "But you are a part of this family. And it is part of you. We love you." Mei smiled. 

"I love you too, Mom. Dad. I am sorry about the house, though." They hugged, MK joining in, and Mei's father looking at him weirdly before turning his attention back to his family. 

"What's important is that you are okay. Objects can be replaced." Mei's mother said. 

"Everything except my prized pinball machine. That is irreplaceable." Mei's father replied, as MK then looked worried. 


[To Be Continued]

Words- 1691


Yay new chapter!

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