he kisses you in the rain (requested)

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"The sun disappeared." You commented as you looked up at the sky, noticing that it was full of clouds.

Only moments ago, the sun was shining on your skin but now, it's been hidden away by the clouds that look dark and grey.

"I thought it was supposed to be sunny all day long today." You frowned as you looked at Beomgyu.

"I thought so too." He said before shrugging his shoulders. "It's alright though. We'll be home in a few minutes. What's the worst that could happen in the short amount of time that it takes us to get from here to the dorm?"

Just a second after the words finished leaving his lips, there was a loud crash of thunder off in the distance.

He just had to ask that question, didn't he?

You weren't too worried about it though, to be honest.

You figured if it was going to rain, you'd be safe and sound inside with your boyfriend before it came pouring down.

You had too much on your mind to be worried about the rain, all too good to allow the cloudy sky to bring you down.

"Did you have a good time?" Beomgyu asked and kissed your cheek softly, pulling you out of your thoughts.

You couldn't hold back the giant grin on your face as you looked up at him to find him lovingly staring down at you.

Your hand was wrapped tightly in his already as you walked but he somehow managed to hold it a little tighter without hurting you at all.

"Of course I did. Dinner was delicious and I spent every minute of it with my sweet, handsome boyfriend."

He shook his head with a smile, one that grew bigger when you kissed his cheek a second later.

He was about to speak when, suddenly, the next crash of thunder came and this time, it was right beside you.

The rain began to pour a second later and you gasped as soon as the cold drops of water hit your skin.

"Let's hurry back to the dorm!" You said as you began to hurry down the block with Beomgyu's hand in yours. "Look, I see it!"

Beomgyu turned his head to see the dorm coming closer as you continued to hurry to it.

But he wasn't ready to go in yet, not without doing one thing with you that he's been wanting to do.

"Wait!" He said before his feet came to a stop.

You stopped walking too and just as you did, he pulled you into his arms.

Hugging you from behind, he put his chin on your shoulder and closed his eyes while holding you close.

Being so busy, he always wishes for more moments like these with you.

And now that he has the chance to hold you close in a special and romantic moment like this, he wishes that it'd never end.

"What are you doing? It's pouring rain." You said as you turned to face him.

He put his hands on your hips and his forehead on yours as his eyes slipped shut.

"I just didn't want to go in yet. I want to do something first."


He opened his eyes and moved one hand from your hip, using it to brush a lock of hair behind your ear.

"You're so beautiful, darling."

"Even now, in the pouring rain, you manage to make my heart skip a beat." You said, making his eyes light up. "What is it that you wanted to do?"

"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain." He said as he looked up at the sky, raindrops falling onto his face as he did so. "Can I? Or would you rather go in?"

"What do you think I'll say?" You asked as you reached up to lay your hand on his cheek. "Kiss me, baby."

He smiled a little before leaning in and putting his lips on yours.

It was, by far, the most romantic kiss you've ever had in your life, like something right out of one of the cheesy romance films you love.

But better.

So much better.

Because it's with your sweet boyfriend and nothing could make it better than that.

As he pulled away to give you a moment to catch your breath, you watched his eyes open and saw the stars inside of them.

"That was everything I thought it would be and more."

"How long have you been wanting to kiss me in the rain for, hm?" You teased and watched him lower his head as a shy smile pulled at his lips.

"A while." He confessed as he lifted his head. "You're the only one I've ever wanted to do it with. Because I love you."

"I love you too, baby." You told him as you put your lips back on his.

But this time, as he kissed you, you shivered in his arms.

"Are you cold?" He frowned as he ran his fingers across your arms comfortingly.

"A little."

"Let's go in."

You shook your head and put your lips back on his, pecking them lovingly.

"In a minute. Just hold me and kiss me for now."

He smiled brightly at you, feeling his heart swell with love for you before he kissed you again and pulled you into his arms to keep you as warm as he could while you shared more romantic kisses in the rain.

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