Chapter 13: A Lasting Mark

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"Not exactly." You said. "More like visions. Very vivid ones. Almost like I get a glimpse of that person's psyche."

"How do you mean?" He wondered.

"Like... I don't know how to explain it. From what I can tell so far if I come to contact with somebody, skin to skin, it's like I'm seeing other peoples memories. Sometimes even through their eyes. And... whatever they're feeling or thinking about, I feel it too..."

"Care to demonstrate?" He asked, holding out his open palm.

"Do I want to?" You asked, hesitantly removing the glove from your right hand. Pulling on each finger before sliding the comfortable silk off your skin. He shrugged.

"You're not gonna see anything horrific. Maybe nudity, I was pretty fond of hookers in my twenties. Don't let Angel know that."

"Nice. I won't." You teased playfully. "Alright, then..."

Taking a quiet deep breath and mentally preparing yourself, you merely placed your fingers daintily against his open palm. The initial wave was a feeling of apprehension, which was to be expected, but an almost hollow feeling that seemed to overpower any other mood. It felt heavy, but somehow numb all at the same time. A hint of curiosity and adoration sprinkled on top, you wondered if that's just his general feeling toward you.

Visions clouded your mind, along with sounds too. Sounding distant, far away, but you swear you could hear them.

"You were right about the prostitutes." You started with a soft chuckle. Husk smirked a little and looked off to the side, keeping his hand out and letting you continue.

"I'm seeing a lot of slot machines, palm trees and huge crowds of people." You went on, staring off to the side but not really seeing anything in front of you as the memories kept reeling like a roll of film on a projector.

"I lived in Vegas for a while." He explained.

"Seems like you had fun," you smiled gently. "It looks like you met a woman there, kinda short, redhead-"

"That was my late wife." He sighed. "Her name was Janet."

"She's so cute." You said softly. He smiled at your statement and nodded. You felt your expression change a little, feeling a more dismal mood coming on. Husk seemed to notice this too, and figured what it was already.

"What else do you see?" He asked. Not realizing he was holding his breath.

"I see a nursery..." you answered. "blue and white walls, a bassinet with a crib mobile... Janet crying in a rocking chair, but... there's no baby... There's only grief..."

"We were going to name him Thadius." He said wistfully. "Janet really wanted a baby. We tried for years. One day I came home and she came running up to me, said it finally happened. I was gonna be a Dad."

"What happened?" You asked softly, withdrawing your hand from and pulling the glove back on. The visions and emotions receding, leaving you as quickly as they came.

"He didn't make it." He sighed. "Thought she went into labor thirteen days early, so we rushed to the hospital. They did an emergency c-section because the umbilical cord was coming out before the actual baby... They brought her into surgery, I sat in the waiting room anxious to meet my boy... only to find out Thadius was stillborn."

"... I'm so sorry, Husk..." you said. Blinking away a tear before he could notice it. You resonated with his pain, more than you cared to admit... It hit really close to home. "No parent should know the pain of losing their child. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I can tell you really loved him."

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