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Lessons were hard for you, even the summer 1 on 1′s with Farah, and it frustrated the Hell out of you. Farah could tell. You were naturally very secretive and private about yourself so that helped with naturally blocking. Farah got nothing she didn't have to dig for and she would never dig in someone's mind without a damn good reason.

A week from term starting up, you were just as mysterious as you had been the day you arrived. But as the day beginning the school year came closer, you started disappearing. Farah would search manually, for nearly an hour before surrendering patience and using her powers to connect her mind with yours. You had mixed feelings about when she did that. On one hand, you got calmer when she did it and you could get a glimpse into a brilliant mind before the connection was severed again. But you were a private person and you didn't want her to see something she oughtn't. You also preferred to stay alone when you were alone. But you weren't going to stop disappearing and she wasn't going to stop finding you so this was the price you had to pay.

A dramatic sigh alerted you to your visitor: the headmistress. Nature gave away the path she took to join you by the river. She pried her arms from her coat and folded it behind you both.

"I don't know why you brought that," you mumbled. Summer in the OtherWorld was blistering and the sun reigned, unsurprisingly.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't make me chase you."

You slowly slipped your socks and shoes off and dropped your bare feet into the water. You didn't speak for a long moment, neither of you did. You watched the ripples caused go out into the lake before settling. Water faded into water until it jumped up at you. You leapt in response, slipping down and sinking into the freezing water. With a squeal, you re-emerged. The woman had her head thrown back and she was laughing hysterically. Despite the marvelous sight, you brought your upper half out of the water, fisted the front of her - you suspected she didn't own clothes which weren't - classy shirt, and allowed yourself to flop backwards.

Brown eyes went wide, arms out as if there was anything to grab onto. She sunk into the water beside you and you dove down so she couldn't see you swim away scared. Likely the same way as the initial attack, the waves you pushed through twisted and solidified, dragging you back to the surface. Hands took your shoulders and you had to blink a lot to see through it all. Farah's hair was wet, down, and pretty! It was already pretty in the intricate buns the woman put them in, but loose and floating in the river, it was a work of art to be treasured. The blonde and brunette locks, in a single strand sometimes going back and forth between the shades, were a masterpiece of 2 hues. Bright brown eyes shone mostly with victory, but you noticed flecks of green mixed in. Her lips were pulled in a smug smirk, and her... hands had moved from your shoulders. They fell to your hips, and you two were... very close. Physically. Your hands held her unbelievably toned biceps. But that wasn't what was keeping you two afloat. Farah Dowling's grip on you and your hold on her had the water supporting the 2 of you naturally, keeping you on the surface.

You felt like a deer in the headlights so you looked up at her. Your stomach fluttered nervously as you looked into her soulful eyes and she looked into your boring eyes. Only, unbeknownst to you, they weren't boring.

Farah could tell the strangest things about you, since you'd arrived, from your eyes. She knew when you were tired, when you'd had a nightmare, when you were excited for magic lessons, and she'd stopped being paranoid anytime she could see them anytime she wanted. Alright, so it wasn't the strangest things, rather the typical eye-telling things. In this particular instance, your eyes gave away your strong feelings. She couldn't tell what you were feeling, but it was enough to set your eyes alight in a bright, violet color.

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