xxx. did the love affair maim you too?

Start from the beginning

"Why is he suturing his own face?" George O'Malley questioned, as if reading Aliya's mind.

"To turn me on." Cristina Yang replied back quickly, also seemingly able to read her thoughts also.

It had to be said that Mark Sloan, one of the most famous plastic surgeons on the East Coast, wasn't unattractive. Okay, he the simple fact was that he was hot. All the way from his blue eyes, to his scruffy beard, to well, you know what we're getting at here. That man must work out.

Aliya didn't think she had seen a man that physically attractive since Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, or Matthew McConaughey in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

"Because he's Mark Sloan." Alex Karev addressed George's original question. "He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast."

"That's the guy Addison slept with." George quickly realised in a hushed voice.

"I can see why." Aliya murmured, obviously not justifying infidelity. But, Aliya being twenty five and quite frankly, still single, she would definitely let a guy like Mark Sloan pick her up at a bar to take back to a hotel then sneak off without a word in the morning, like she did on Valentine's Day the other day, marking one year since her fiancée wasn't her fiancée anymore.

"I'm with Aliya." Izzie Stevens nodded as the brunette let her feet swing back and forth from where she was sat up on the desk, still watching as the plastic surgeon sutured his own face without even a flinch. "Can't really blame her, can you?"

Cristina's eyes never left Mark, despite being the only one in a relationship out of the six. "No, not really."

George made a face along the lines of extremely judgemental and complete jealousy. "Yes, you can."

"McSexy wants an X-Ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him." Meredith explained as she approached the place they were huddled around.

George raised a brow. "Why? Why?"

"McSexy?" Cristina reiterated with a smirk.

"Hm—" Aliya pondered. "It has a good ring to it, not quite right though."

"McYummy!" Izzie suggested.

"No." The three other women spoke, abandoned by Alex who deemed himself having more important things to do than discuss anything to do with Mark Sloan's attractiveness.

Meredith had her eyes trained on the man in question, Aliya too. "McSteamy."

"McSteamy." Aliya repeated, looking back at the newly nicknamed man.

"Oh, there it is." Cristina approved.

"I think I'm choking back some McVomit." George grimaced, joining the four as they stared in McSteamy's direction.

Now that was an example of a man you would go for to forget the presence of all the other arrogant asshole men in America.

"You know what—" Aliya jumped off from the counter, swiping off invisible dust from her scrubs and straightening out her white coat, making sure she managed to get the coffee stain out. "I'm going in. I'll take him to X-Ray."

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