With the idiots at the driving test

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The next day, what idea pops into my head? Let's do the driving test. So one sunny day I pick up these morons and we go to the parking lot where the driving test will take place.
- What are the chances of being paralyzed?
- Probably about how many days until the new volume of formulas and calculations of atomic elements appears. Shoji said sarcastically.
- Maybe I'll hit you in the head with a book if you keep getting on my nerves. Raijin scolded him.
- Hello. You are the ones having your driving test today. Who has the courage to start?
- I suggest Ryo.
With these words, the mock driving test began.
- Good. What can you do?
As usual, Ryo fell asleep. The instructor freaks out and begs to get out.
- I got my driving licence?
- Not. Next.
Next to him, Saboten appeared in the driver's seat.
- Let me tell you what I did last time.
While he was talking, the car reverses and hits the garage.
Tsuda Numa, being the third driver, did worse: he broke the steering wheel, and the car spun in circles.
The rest remaining for the exam did worse results. We returned home, and a long discussion ensued.
- You have all failed. Shoji read and drove at the same time, what stupidity and unconsciousness at the wheel.
I packed my bags and left for Oya.

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