The agony of shopping

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The second day of my stay at Senomon. I have awakened these half-witted sleepers.
- Getting up, mommies. We have a lot of shopping to do. This list is as big as the Great Wall of China. I shout through my megaphone.
As dizzy as they were, they bumped into each other.
- Let's go sometime or I'll stay and watch Kohei mess up the clothing.
They were dressed in their school uniforms, only I was like Super Mario.
I got safety harnesses for Ryo, Gandhi and Shoji in case they want to run.
- Okay, let's split our sectors. Me, Kohei, Saboten, Tsuda Numa, and Ryo who fell asleep, get water and some drinks. You two from Kamasaka, looking for snacks. And the rest of Ebara, look for pillows and blankets.
- Ok.
And so, the nightmare called shopping began.
The two who had zero desire to do anything, were looking for snacks.
- What did the idiot say? Gandhi asked very bored.
- Are you stupid ? Look at this list, you lazy bum. Who put me in charge of this idiot?
- I heard you .
With the 5 of us, everything was worse.
- Who wakes this fool up? I wonder why you two are childhood friends.
- Me too.
- Less talking, more shopping. That we are wasting precious time. Commented Saboten, visibly close to waking Ryo with the megaphone magically stolen from me.
- Only I can use this megaphone. You, take the water from the top shelf.
After a few slaps from me, Saboten grabbed two bottles of water.
- When will this idiot wake up? Kohei began.
- Shut up, you loudmouths. Ryo yelled into Tsuda Numa's ear.
- You are in luck. I stay for a few more days and then I go to Oya.
We all go to the cash register, pay and head to Senomon.
- Raijin, did you buy what was listed?
- Yes, and not really. Moreover, I bought mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. books. Shoji's fault.
- What about you two?
- Products for hair hygiene. Gandhi is to blame, he pissed me off.
- At least we did something normal.
- I wouldn't really say normal. Just two bottles of water. Otherwise, baby stuff, since Ryo has the mind of a two-month-old.
- What am I to do with you fools?

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