Lily Pov

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*Mature content warning*

I woke up tied to a chair. How did I end up here? Where am I? Right, I was kidnapped again. Great. I get interrupted from my thoughts by a man coming inside the pitch-black room. I squint my eyes trying to make out who it is. That’s the guy who kidnapped me from the ball. “Hello there Lily, awake now, are we?” Mystery Man says. “What are you going to do with me?” I ask him. “You're going to stay with me until the boss gets paid.” He says.

“Where’s harry?” I ask. “You’ll see him soon enough.” The man says. 
He unties me from the chair. I quickly stand up and run out of the room. I’m met with a hallway that seems to go on forever. I take off trying to find an exit from what seems to be a maze of hallways. I finally see the exit, I run as fast as my feet can carry me to the door. When suddenly I'm being tazed. I flop on the ground clutching my stomach in pain when my head hits the floor, and I pass out.

I now wake up in a bed with my arms and legs tied to a bed. “You shouldn’t have tried that lily. Nope. Now you have to be punished. Do you want that?” He says seductively. I turn my head not wanting to hear him. He then slowly makes his way onto the bed. He takes his index finger and places the loose piece of hair behind my ear. “What-” I get cut off by him placing his finger over my lips. He then gives me a needle and pushes some liquid inside of me that makes me feel loopy and a bit high. 

“Shh, don’t worry, you're going to like this.” He says as he slowly unbuttons my pants. My mind is fully conscious of what's about to happen but my body is numb, I can’t move it. I'm about to be raped. Okay, Lily prepare yourself. He’s about to do this and your life is going to be changed forever. Why did this have to happen to me? Is God punishing me? What have I so bad that this had to happen to me? 

My pants are off now. Okay Lily it's about to happen. Take a deep breath. He rubs his hands up and down my leg, and I shudder with disused. His hand gets close to my crotch when he gets interrupted by somebody busting open the bedroom door and screaming “Get the hell off her!” The man yells. It's Harry, thank God. The man jumps off me. 

As soon as he jumped off me Harry pushed her against the wall and screamed, "you touch her again and I'll cut your fucking hand off and shove it down your throat, you worthless piece of shit!” The man manages to slip away from Harry’s grasp and runs out the door.

Harry then just stares at me. He saved me he saved me. I try to stand up to grab my pants, then I realized I'm still bound to the bed. “Harry, could you help me?” I ask him still shocked at what was about to happen and scared that Harry might do the same. He quickly unties the rope, hand me my pants, and turns around so I could change in privacy.

kidnapped by harry styles Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang