Dating Them Includes

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•Supporting her interest in mysteries.

•Respecting she isn't a very touchy type person and understanding she will allow touches when she wants them and only then.

•Beinf friends with Thing and supporting her with her family.

Going with her to explore and snoop around.

•Helping her with her novel by reading it and listening to her ideas.


Being the cutest couple ever.

•Helping her with her "wolfing out".

•Being best friends with Wednesday and Thing.

•Supporting her through everything with her family and life.

•Always being on her sports team.


Helping him with his bees.

•Standing up for him against the normies.

•Making things with honey together.

•Being friends with Enid and Wednesday.

•Always hanging out together.


Talking to him about his paintings.

•Letting him know he is not bad nor evil for painting such things.

•Hanging out with him a lot.

•Helping him watch out for Wednesday.

•Being friends with Ajax.


Being supportive of each other's sports.

Being a total power couple.

•Constantly reassuring each other that you are enough.

•Supporting and listening to her about her mother.

•Being in the NightShades.


Not caring he can turn people to stone.

•Being best friends with Enid.

•Knowing he is with the NightShades.

•Doing silly stuff together.

•Being supportive of each other.

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