Azzy went near Rafi and asked, "What have you done?" Mamu, you have to do something. If Dad knows that we know about Divya's issue, he'll be devastated. Rafi whispered. 

I told you to never involve children in your problems. Azzy said in a disappointed voice to Fifi. What's happening here? Are you all hiding something? Mahi asked.

"Daddy, you cannot do this." "I won't let you do this," Salee said. "Darling, I'm doing nothing." "What are you saying?" Rocky asked in a concerned voice. 

"You cannot divorce our mother, and you cannot marry Divya," Salee replied. Everyone was gasping, and Rashid and Raabi were completely shocked.

Mehran looked at him in delusion and azzy-faced palmed himself. "What?" Rocky asked in a higher tone, 

Who said that? I have nothing to do with Divya. I would never cheat on your mother; that's not how I am. "Who fed you these lies?" Rocky asked as he looked at Zulfi.

"Take the blame, take the blame," Azzy said slowly, pushing Rafi further. Zulfi quickly held him and pulled him back, saying, "Shut up, you don't know anything; if your father asks, I told you, and you told Salee, you are going to say the truth," Zulfi said.

"Be smart; don't be like Mother India," Azzy said. "I can't be selfish like this brother; no, they are my children's," she replied. 

Mom, don't do this. You didn't say anything about dad cheating; that's not true. You told me about Divya; you didn't blame him. Let me handle this. Rafi said.

"This isn't a lie; Divya came here and threatened Mom; she gave you a bracelet that had her and your names engraved on it; I confronted Divya tonight; she agreed and said you told her that you were getting a divorce," Salee said.

That's bullshit. I'm not with her; she's lying, and whoever told you that I'm with her is lying. As well, darling, don't trust anyone. They're telling you this because of their own insecurities. Rocky said. 

Dad, don't do that, Rafi said and walked forward; do what? Rocky asked. "Don't call out my mother indirectly; this isn't the right thing to do," Rafi said.

Rocky warned him to stay out of this. If you keep doing this again and again, I won't stay out of this; this is about my mother, Rafi said.

"Your mother shouldn't have involved you in this in the first place; I tried my level best to prove her and explain, but I can't change her mentality, and I won't allow her mentality to turn my kids against me," Rocky said.

We are standing here, have some shame; "she's your wife," Mehran said. "I can't control it; it's done now, and I can't control it anymore," Rocky said.

Mom didn't tell us anything; I suspected it, and I shared it with Salee; nothing else. "You are misinterpreting it," Rafi said.

Don't forget, I'm your father; you cannot fool me. Only your mother knew about the bracelet Rocky replied.

Rocky "These are kids they don't know what they say." "Talk in private with Zulfi and clear it out," Rashid said.

"Bhaijaan, there's nothing to talk about; it's the same as always, no difference," I said. "I'll talk to her, she'll tell our kids again, and then I'll be the bad guy." "I'm a man who's cheating on their mother; I've ruined their mother's life; I've not been good to their mother; I am the bad person here," Rocky said. 

Ae enough Haan, calm down, don't go out of your aukaat, and stop overthinking. Don't act like you don't know Fifi; we all know how she is. Ares said.

"Yes, she'd never do this," Rashid said. Bhai, then what is this? Rocky asked.

This is your fault; you allowed and gave access of your wife and kids to an outsider women; she plagued it; you cannot blame anyone; the only person who is at fault is Divya! She did give you a bracelet, she threatened Zulfi, she befriended your children, and she accepted tonight that she wants to marry you, so she is the only bad guy here. Don't act like idiots and get fooled by a whore.

Rocky , Fifi and the Family. PS: always and forever ♾️.        {KGF}Where stories live. Discover now