"Hey." Kon-El gives Damian a once over before stretching out his hand. "Conner."

Damian takes it. "Damian. Has anyone told you that you look like Superman? It's almost uncanny."

He feels Kon-El's hand jerk in his grip, Drake glances over at Damian like he's lost his mind.

"I h- I haven't heard that before." Kon-El grits out. His nerves clear in his voice. "What are you up to Tim?"

"Oh you know. Same old same old." Drake replies, calming down from Damian's stunt.

"Same old same old?" Kon-El parrots suspiciously. He knows what Drake gets up to.

Drake glances between Damian and the clone before turning back towards his monitors. "He's just messing with you Kon. He knows who you are."

"Hey." Damian doesn't appreciate being outed by anyone.

"You told him?" Kon-El is shocked. Damian would be too if he knew better.

"Okay, first," He turns to face Damian. "You can't make comments like that without being suspicious and second," He turns to Kon-El. "He's the Sparrow. Of course he knows who you are. Now I'm trying to find a missing kid."

"You're the Sparrow."

Damian shoots him a look. "TT"

"I didn't mean it like that." Kon-El immediately backs off. "I've just never had the chance to meet you. It's an honor. I mean I've worked with Batman before but not you."

"I don't get out much."

"Well, I'll leave you two to it then." Kon-El grabs an already packed duffle bag. "I'm off to Smallville for the weekend."

"Say hi to Superman for me." Drake calls out as he leaves.

"Superman is on an off-world mission with the League." Damian tells him.

"I know, he left with Batman. I just always tell him that when he goes to Smallville. Anyway we have several days worth of footage to meticulously go over."

Drake was far more meticulous than Damian had given him credit. Damian thought he was detail oriented, Drake made him look downright incompetent.

While looking through footage Drake also set up an algorithm to look through other security cameras Damian may have missed to pull up any sighting of Grayson at any point in the area. It provided decent footage of the encounter with Zucco and his goons with John Grayson and Jack Haley. He hadn't realized how close Grayson had been to the whole thing. He understood Maronie's desire to find him. Damian would if he was in that position.

"Hey." Drake knocks Damian from his thoughts. "This is from the first week. There's something jumping off the roof."

"What?" Damian focuses on the screed Drake is referencing.

"There appears to be a small child jumping from the roof. Look." Drake gestures to a barely visible shadow. What maybe a child jumping from one rooftop to another.

"Maybe." Damian isn't convinced.

"It's there at the same time on the next night and the one after that. Someone is sneaking out." Drake then pulls up footage to further prove his point. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'm thinking there aren't that many smallish children who are just willing to jump across roofs like that."

"It's not enough, we need something more concrete."

"Let me see if there's something further down the street."

As Drake toggles the cameras for a better angle, Damian decides to do some light snooping. Always best to have all of the information about potential enemies. He has a couple of criminology textbooks on his desk, along with CSI notes, and what Damian immediately recognizes as signatures on the chemicals used by CSI officers when looking for evidence.

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