The First Day (Zyan's POV)

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Caption: Belmont Business🦅✅

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Caption: Belmont Business🦅✅

MissBTaylor: My Son looks so Handsome❤️
Tre_boy: I see you bro✅🗝️
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The bell just rung to end lunch and I gotta find my next class. If it wasnt for this big behind school I woulda found my class already bro. *sigh*

They let athletes do whatever here. This school is pretty nice too. Coming here from Minnesota is definitely a change from my old school.

My Parents aren't rich enough to send me here, but with the Help of my uncle I was able to come here and start school with my Cousins.

They were able to give me a scholarship for baseball here since i was so good back home.....and I have my first practice today after school.

As soon as I got sent my uniform I was so excited I took a pic. Im not gonna hold you, Ya boy look good in the pic I just had to post it on Instagram.

Everybody at home gotta see the Big school I'm playing for now.

This change feels nice. I do miss my Mom and brother at home though. They encouraged me to even come out here and Follow my dreams. Man I miss them so much.

Now I live in a House full of girls.

I mean i do have my uncle but he's always away on business trips. Now it's just my aunt and my two cousins.

I saw this girl at lunch today. This girl looked different from all of the others.

What first caught my eye was her skin. Now I'm not gonna lie dark skin is my weakness.

I couldn't stop looking at her. I had to ask my cousins about her and if they knew her. I kind of zoned out because of how beautiful she was. 

A Lot of the girls here Wear the fake hair, which I don't understand.

I always tell my cousins to take them off and wear their natural hair, but you cant tell girls "what to do".

She stood out though...and I like that. I love a girl that's confident in her natural state.

I think she caught me staring but she smiled at me.

I dont know how I'm gonna talk to her. Should that even be my focus right now?  I'm Kind of a nobody here...By choice though!

But Is she the type of girl to care about that?

Bro not me stressing over a girl and This is only my first day.

I just came here to play baseball Not really in with the crowd. My cousins are the only people I talk to at school.

"Focus Zyan."

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