the muse

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V looked up from his notebook as Johnnys hologram paced around the apartment. He was annoying the life out of V.

As Johnny babbled on and complained he noticed V staring then turning his attention back to the notebook.

V what the fuck are you doing ? Im drawing you' gonk! . Johnny then stood confused for a moment. I need to fucking smoke! and your sitting there drawing little pictures' what are you 12?! Just shut the fuck up and stand still . Just to annoy him Johnny phased out and started shouting at V in his head . So V put on the loudest music he could and continued to shade in his picture . Johnny started to quiet down watching through Vs eyes as he filled in the blank spaces . A question came from within Vs head . I didnt know you could draw . In response to the question V thought of memories of being out in the badlands having to make do and entertain himself any way he could on slow days . Of memories of having to draw out maps of places not yet explored. Johnny watched them play back like a movie in Vs head . He appeared infront of V on the couch infront of him . V continued to draw while Johnny remained curious but still just as mad as ever .

If I let you draw me will you please fuckin go out and get smokes . I dont smoke V replied. You fuckin will . Johnny retorted .

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