The founder's Secret

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While cleaning an old, dusty and battered classroom on the far end of the first-floor corridor, a box, a very old one fell out of a shelf, it stated itself as " Belongings of Lady A.Potter née Black-Peverell, Lord S. Slytherin, Lady R. Ravenclaw, Lord and Lady Gryffindor as soon as she saw it, she rushed to the great hall where everyone were dining.

Professor Dumbledore, look at this. A box regarding the founders

Let's show everyone at dinner



"Students, a box regarding the founders was found, it seems to have belonged to someone who knew them" as soon as he opened it, the first thing visible was a journal, not in bad condition with a symbol depicting Death's gifts: the deathly hollows neatly and beautifully embroidered the odd thing was the fact that small green snakes were on Death's gifts. When he opened the book, the book immediately flew from his hands to the middle of the hall and then a light was emitted and a picture of a smoke or a memory 

"Entry 1" said a melodious and sweet voice grabbed everyone's attention then it showed an image of a lady sitting on a chair excluding her face.

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