- I know dad, I love you too- I say after after separating from him. I turn around to look at charles and saw how his eyes were already watering a bit but he didnt even try to hide it.

He helped me up and I left out a little laugh.

-I'm sorry, I'm just so happy- everyone laugh.- I just want to thank everyone who came here today, you guys are the most important people in our live- I say sincere- We kind of prepared some vows to say before signing the papers. So if you dont mind, Charles, I want to start because you are going to make me cry and I want to be able to finish them.

-The day we met in Madrid Carlos actualy lied to me, the truth is that we had met before but you didnt remember me I guess- he looked at me puzzled trying to piece everything out- We actually met eachother when I was 9 I believe? You were 11. I accompanied Carlos to one of his tournaments in which they allowed me to compete in one of the lower categories, there competing against me was a boy, brunette, green eyes, older then me- He chuckled- A questionable hairstyle- he rolled his eyes at this but he did not stop smiling for a second- but he had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. He won, I got second, and even if I hated loosing, he came to congratulate me and I felt a little better about it.

-I kind of remember not knowing how could I not know who you were- he said.

-It was one of my last years racing so I dont believe we had run against eachother more but I remember watching your races- I turn around and look at Carlos he's trying to stay serious, knowing what was coming, he was the only person I've read this speach to until now-  Carlos knew I had a little crush on you, but we were just kids what would we have known there? I would like to say that I forgot about you but fate brought us back, and while that is partly true, I may have asked Carlos for your number when you entered F1- I could listen how our friends couldnt contain it anymore and started laughing, I could see how Charles' cheeks turned pink and he shook his head.

- Anyway, you had a girlfriend, I was 19 and my carrer was just taking off and I kind of forgot everything about you. Until that afternoon, Carlos just told me we would meet one of his friends and I didnt think twice about it, until I saw you there. I didn't recognize you at first, you came very serious and I just wanted to blow some energy golfing. Until you smiled, god Charles you smiled and I saw that little green eyed kid in front of me again, As if that simple gesture could had taken me more than ten years before.

-I was not in a good moment in my life, I felt burnt out and tired and I didnt want to continue with anything that I was passionate about. And although you were not the only reason that gave me that back, you were the most important, you gave me back the desire to create, the desire to experiment and feel.- Charles was tearing up again and I will not deny that a couple of tears also escaped my eyes- so, Charlie, mi amor, Even though many of the things we've been through I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, I like to think that all of that happened to us so we could get to know each other, and I don't know about you but it seems to me that it makes it worth it.

-So, if you will have me, I'd like to be your wife, I promise to cherish you and to love you, till death do us part and beyond.

- You set the bar high didnt you?- he wiped his face and sighed trying to calm down- Now I understand why you wanted to do it first, you're smart- I shrug my shoulders letting out a little laugh- I might not remember the first time we met but I will never forget the second time.

-I was so frustrated with the season, so wrapped up in my work that I practically had no time to live. Cause lately I wasn't living, just surviving.

-When I met you I started seeing life with a different light. You once told me I was your music, Liv if I'm your music you must be my light, you make my life brighter.

It Cant Be You- Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now