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No-ones POV

Sweat trailed down Jordans sharp jawline as she ball rolled past a player in the centre off the pitch whilst shrugging off one of the opponents making the girl fall to the ground. Looking up for a second she notices Whitney completly free out-wide, with the outside of her boot she plays a clean pass through to her roommate who was able to finish the ball into the upper half of the net.

"Sorry about that" Jordan says whilst offering her hand out to the girl she had practically bodied to the floor. "Should off been a foul newbie." the girl with the red bib on says whilst grabbing onto Jordans hand and hoisting herself up. "Yeah I would be pissed to if I got bodied by a Freshman" the tall blonde says back with a smirk earning a laugh from the girl. "Your a good player y'know. Im Jena" Jordan smiled at the older girl. "Jordan" "Jord you coming?" the blonde heard making her spin round to see Whitney signalling the girl towards her.

After a few hours practice was over as a steady stream of players filtered into the locker room. Sat on a bench was Whitney smiling from her to ear. "You played great Whit" Jordan says whilst taking her cleats off and opening her locker which was a few doors down from her roommates. "I see you smilling, feeling all proud of yourself" a voice says to Whitney as she enters the locker room. "Me? No, I wasn't" Whitney says in denial making a chuckle leave Jordans lips. "You should smile. You're fast rookie. Any you" the girl says pointing at Jordan making her look over in confusion. "You are insane on and off the ball, that pass you played was incredible. But both of you don't get too cocky" she says whilst moving her hands around slightly.

"Oh, I really like your sticker." Whitney comments seeing an rainbow with equality striker placed on the inside of the girls locker. "Oh, thanks. I dont know what it means, but I saw it at a gas station and was like,' that would be cool in my locker" the girl says making Jordan laugh at Whitneys confused face. "Oh, well, I think it's meant for people who identify as..."--"Im just playing. I'm super gay. Like, I'm the LeBron James of being attracted to women" the girl says making both Jordan and Whitney laugh at the girl even louder. "Im Willow" the girl introduces herself "Whitney and thats Jordan" the girl comments making Jordan nod her head as she pulls her sweaty top over her head revealing her white nike sports bra and an insanely sculptured 6-pack that would have anyone drooling over it.

"Damn girl you look hot as hell" Willow says whilst making a whistling sound at the end making a smirk etch its way onto the blonde face. "Might as-well take a picture if your gonna stare" Jordan says not even taking a glance at Willow whose eyes are still locked onto the blonde stomach. "Maybe I will" is heard being mumbled out as Jordan walks off to the showers in need of a very deep cleanse. Once out the blonde looks around for any sign of Whitney only to find the girl had left a small note on her locker saying she had to talk to coach about something. After having a look over the tall blonde grabs her bag before making her way out to the quad.

After a 5 minute walk from the soccer pitches to the quad, Jordan sits down on a bench not far from her hall. Throwing her bag down by her feet and pulling out her headphones when Swim by Chase Atlantic begins to blare through as the girl begins to read through prereading that she had readily prepared for her first mathematics lecture in the on coming days.

Well that was until a loud "What the actual fuck, OK?" was heard, even over the loud music radiating from the girl headphones. Jordan looks up to see a recognisable blonde looking as gorgeous as ever lecturing two girls who are clearly as unimpressed as she is infront of her. "Do you guys have any idea how humiliating it is to be friend-dumped in front of a clerical worker?" Leighton says whilst throwing her hands around in frustration making Jordan smile at the girls seemingly cute action. "Believe me, Leight, we didn't want it to be this way." the girl wearing a dark pink sweatshirt says whilst resting her left hand on her hip.

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