Somethingfest (Part II)

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The night air fanned Idia's hair and sent cobalt sparks in every direction. He took a deep breath, inhaling the wind and flames as a shiver coursed down his spine. Five minutes until nine. Man, he really should get a move on. Unless there was some OP method of fast travel from the outside of the Ignihyde dorm directly to the Gymnasium, he was bound to be a minute or two late if he didn't leave right that moment.

After sitting in his room all day, Idia felt as if his social battery was fully charged. He may not have liked to socialize IRL, but at least he had the energy for it now. He was about to turn around and reenter the dorm when the telltale blip of a Discord notification buzzed from his back pocket. The screen indicated that it was a message from Cater, and Idia swiftly began to respond.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

notJustGirls Today at 8:55 PM
IDIAAAA wya 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

shroudedinidiocy Today at 8:56 PM
outside ignigyde

notJustGirls Today at 8:56 PM
ooo kk ill be right there

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

You know that moment when you're playing your favorite gacha game, and you do a ten-pull for a character you've been waiting forever for, and after suffering through nine lower-rarity card animations, the result of your final pull shows up and you finally see said anticipated character's splash art explode onto your screen, and you just stare and stare and stare and stare because oh gods the wait was so worth it how did you get so lucky?

Well, that is exactly what happened to Idia when he turned around to see Cater behind him, his green eyes twinkling. He had come dressed in some white suit, coupled with a variety of red, black, and gold Heartslabyul accessories. It wasn't all that different from his dorm uniform, but the cut and fit of the suit mirrored the outfits on the trending page of MagiCam and managed to make him look even better than usual. Idia didn't want to sound like a weirdo, but if Cater had been a videogame character and his current outfit was a purchasable skin, Idia would buy it in a heartbeat. He didn't care if it was gacha-only, he would get it somehow!

Ahem, anyway, if he had been a normal person, he would have cleared his throat, matched Cater's keen gaze with his own, and whispered some manner of incredibly sexy compliment, like "you look nice." (That was always a winner, right?) Instead, because he was Idia, he nervously stuttered out, "I ... um ... uh ... wow," and left it at that.

Cater, on the other hand, was trained well in the art of flattery, and to be fair, he was telling the truth when his jaw dropped open and he said, "O-M-G, Idia, you literally look fire!" He raised an eyebrow, and his mouth began to open and close, fishlike. Meanwhile, Idia admitted to himself that he did look pretty snazzy. So snazzy that he almost didn't think he should be seen in public. "I mean, I'm shocked you decided to wear that suit coat 'cause, you know, ghost wedding nightmares, but still! Someone really came in and decided to Cinderella it up tonight!"

Idia could not fathom what he was talking about. Where was the "?" mark help button when you needed one? "Huh?"

"Y'know, 'Cinderella it up.' Like when you arrive fashionably late to a party," he glanced at the clock on his phone screen, "though I guess we won't really be that late, and then completely blow everyone away by being the best dressed there. Especially when you're kind of a ... fashion underdog and come in looking like ... well, as great as you do now." He stage-whispered, "I mean, like, no offense, but that ginormous bulky jacket that you usually wear? Not your best look."

(TWST Idia/Cater) so i'll dance with CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now