The One With the Waifu ♡ Super Kawaii ♡ Super Love Bot

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The worst thing that could possibly happen happened: the internet went out at Ignihyde. Actually, that wasn't the worst thing, since the nomophobic students there could still connect their computers and tablets through personal hotspots and the like. The true worst thing that could possibly happen was for both the internet and the power to go out at Ignihyde at the same time.

Which it did.

The students at NRC would never forget the day when hordes of pasty Ignihydians came streaming out of their rooms—some for the very first time that semester—desperate for a way to access the internet and to power up their dying devices. Socially-awkward engineers and technology students clumped around outlets and held their phones high in the air, hoping to get a signal. The day was well-documented as Floyd and Jade spent their time taking pictures of introverted Ignihyde students as they built the nerve to ask Crowley for the NRC main campus Wi-Fi password.

Idia was one of the last students to leave his room. He had been smart and had several portable chargers to keep the juice up on his bevy of technological gadgets for several hours before he, too, had to admit defeat.

At first, he was positively incensed that the whole conundrum had taken place. Who was in charge of the internet at NRC, and how could they let it fail in the dorm that needed it the most? He had been hours-deep in the latest installment of the Some Game series—Some Game 14—and had finally reached the second stage of the final boss fight, when he was forced to leave. This was especially frustrating as it had taken him two hours to whittle down the boss' first health bar! Gods, if he had any power in this school and even the tiniest iota of confidence, he would have liked to give Crowley a piece of his mind.

When he muttered this to his brother, Ortho only cocked his head, raised an eyebrow, and said, "Um ... brother? You're a housewarden? There's nothing stopping you from going to Crowley right now. I'm sure he'll tell you the same thing I did five minutes ago: just be patient, I'm sure they're working on fixing everything." He crossed his arms. "And besides, if you really want to play your game, you could always use one of the computers at the library."

"Can't play games on those," said Idia glumly as he wedged himself into a corner in the Hall of Mirrors, which was crowded with both Ignihyde and other dorms' students. He also conveniently ignored Ortho's reminder of his status as housewarden. It wasn't like the title would immediately give him +10,000 Confidence to actually confront anyone about Ignihyde's internet and power issue.

"Oh. Well, maybe you could work on your History of Flight essay for Professor Trein? Didn't you say it was due soon? I'm sure the library computers will allow you to access a simple word processor."

Idia groaned and consented to the plan. At least sitting slouched behind a computer doing homework was better than feeling like a sardine in a mob of outlet-crazy Ignihyde students and curious passerbys.

The brothers found themselves in a mostly-empty library. Idia recognized a few faces from class, and he noticed Yuu and Ace giggling over what looked like a slumbering Deuce in the corner. Otherwise, everything was quiet.

As Ortho went over to see what shapes he could help Ace and Yuu draw on Deuce's face in permanent marker, Idia situated himself at the back of the library, where there sat a row of boxy, black computers.

He logged in with his student credentials, when all of a sudden, he felt someone poke his shoulder. Turning around, he gave an effeminate shout and quickly closed out of the window that automatically opened when his desktop booted up: his how-to-avoid-Cater-Diamond map. He didn't use it anymore, but it was still set to immediately launch whenever he logged into his school computer.

(TWST Idia/Cater) so i'll dance with CinderellaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora