Chapter 2

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Jack says goodbye to his band, as we leave my workplace. He guides me to the backseat of a big black car, with tinted windows.
My body jumps in shock when a voice from the front seat says "Good evening Mr. Carter".
Yea no shit, what was I thinking. Obviously no man in this world would lead anyone to the backseat of their car, if they were driving the car themselves, unless they were up to some shit.
"Good evening Cameron. Can you please drive us to the nearest pub?" Jack says as he fastens his seatbelt. Cameron nods and drives off.
The silence in this car is so damn loud, and I'm really starting to reconsider my decision of going to a pub with a stranger. All. Alone. I can reconsider all that I want. But that doesn't change the fact, that I'm actually in a strangers fucking car. Well. We'll see what happens. Hopefully i can get out of there very soon.

"So... what's your go to drink?" I ask to break the silence, and I instantly facepalm myself inside my head. Really? That's all you've got Jess? Makes sense that dating isn't your thing. Fucking hell. Jack gives me a little smile, that just makes his dimples visible for a second. How can a man, all tattooed, probably in his mid 50's, a few wrinkles here and there, be so damn attractive to a girl in her twenties? Something's seriously wrong with me. Somebody. Lock me up at the mental hospital, and don't fucking let me out again until I've forgotten what a man is.
"Well, I do enjoy red wine, but whiskey does wonders as well" he says as we pull up at the pub. I nod my head. I don't even know what to say. It's stupid to ask a question, and then not reply to the answer. But. I guess that's just who I am.

Jack holds the door open for me, so that I can walk inside the pub. It's a tiny place to be honest. A few tables here and there, and then a bar. The music isn't too loud either, and there's sure as hell not a lot of people in here. I feel my heart beat hard against my chest. I'm nervous. I don't know why. Honestly. I'm that kind of woman who doesn't care about what anyone thinks - it just doesn't matter. I never get nervous either, cause it won't do me any good. But now. I can't control a damn thing that's going on inside my body.

He guides me to the bar, and sits down. The bar chairs are extremely tall. Almost too tall for me to sit on. I almost climb in top of the chair, and I feel the blood running to my cheeks, and I instantly know that I'm blushing when I look at Jack. He let out a tiny chuckle, and in my mind I'm shoving both of my middle fingers in his face. He might be hot and all, but don't disrespect me. Even with the thoughts of him being an ass, I can't help but just smile at him.

"Can I have a vodka and juice please? Also. Make it a double" I demand the bartender, who nods at me, and looks at Jack to receive his order. "A whiskey please" Jack says politely and turns to me. He pull his hand trough his hair, and that's when i discover that he has tattoos on his hands. Well. He's sure as hell not going to work for a very formal place if his music career ends. That's for sure.
"Thanks for joining me" Jacks says and looks at me with his big brown eyes. "Yea, no problem. I guess I was in need of a drink anyways. Your band mates nearly made me quit my job" I say and laugh. He smiles. Beautifully. "At least you're a woman who knows how to tell people to shut their moth" he chuckles. I nod and agree with his statement "yea, in my opinion, your past makes you who you are today" i look down at my drink, chug it down, and ask the bartender for a new one. Looking back at Jack his eyes are widened, "I thought you said you were only going to have one drink" he says. I guess I did. But aren't I allowed to change my mind? Nobody should try to control me, or tell me what to do.

I shut my eyes almost immediately after opening them. The sun is shining way too bright through the windows, and my head is hurting like never before. I slowly open my eyes, getting used to the brightness.
Fuck. This is not my damn bedroom. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I turn over and see a man laying beside me, his tattooed back facing me. My lord. Help me.
One drink? Sure you damn moron. Always keeping your promises to yourself, huh?

I slowly and silently glide out of bed, and pick up my clothes, which, for your information, are spread all over the damn room. With my arms full of clothes and my bag over my shoulder, I tip toe out of the bedroom and shut the door as quietly as possible.
Clumsily I put my clothes on while dialling a cap - I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

"I need a cap" I say as I hear the phone being picked up. "Sure, where to?" Fuck. With on leg in my pants, jumping around the living room, almost falling over every second, I open the front door, not caring that I'm half naked. I don't know where the fuck I am. "Hello?" A voice says on the other end of the phone. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to figure out where I am, give me a second" I say as I fumble to get my other leg in my jeans.
"8050 Crowder Boulevard, 70127" I say as soon as I see the number on the house, and the street sign. "Alright, there'll be one with you soon. Have a nice day" I mumble a quick "you too" before ending the call.
Did I fuck this dude? I hope the fuck not. My god. I agree to go out for one single drink, and I wake up in a strangers bedroom half naked? I have no memory of what happened last night. I simply have no idea. The last thing I remember is that I was at the pub with Jack, but that's literally it.

As soon as I step inside my apartment I run to the bathroom, throw myself in front of the toilet and throw up all the shame I have inside of me. Okay. Maybe that's a little dramatic. But I throw up.
I've never been more happy, than knowing that I'm not going in for work today. I would have had to throw myself down the stairs and get myself hospitalised, and then call in sick if I had work today.

I take a quick shower, a couple of painkillers, order a pizza, and pour myself a large glass of ice cold cola. I jump into bed with my pizza. My only true lover.
A message pops up in my phone screen, and the sound of the message tone makes me flinch.
"Leaving without saying goodbye? Thought you were more mature than that. Anyways. Had a great time with you.
Xx. Jack"

That's it. Im quitting my job. Im moving to another city. No. Another country. Im changing my phone number. Im deleting all my social media's. I will be gone!
Or less dramatic, I will just reply to his message and keep going with my life. Cause honestly, why would I give a shit? People shack strangers all the time, it's natural. It's okay.

Yeah. I wasn't feeling too good. Glad you enjoyed my company.
Xx. Jess"
No compliments going his way - hopefully that will make him leave me alone. Yea. He's hot and all, but that's it. It was a shack. Nothing more. Not interested in more. Moving forward.
Goodbye Jack.

As soon as i walk through the door at work, Chris comes running towards me. I roll my eyes at him. No need for running - and honestly, i know what's about to come out of his mouth. He has always been curious and snoopy.
"Tell me all about your date with Jack" he bursts out, grabs me by my shoulders and slightly shakes me. 
"It wasn't a date you fucktard, you know that. It was a drink. Nothing more than that. I went home when i had drunk one drink, and he went home as well. There's really nothing exciting to tell" i explain. I'm aware that i'm lying, but in this case it's okay, right? I don't even remember what happened, so how would i be able to explain it to Chris? Not that i intended to talk to him, or anyone, about it anyways. 
"Mhm, sure thing" he looks at me with disbelief in his eyes, and quickly turn away from me again. "Well, i have a little surprise for you" he says without bothering to turn back around to look at me. "You know i hate surprises" i remind him. God. Who even invented surprises? It's the dumbest thing ever. Or maybe i'm just a pessimist, but really. No one ever really gets surprised anyways, so what's the point?
"I think you're gonna like this one though" i glare at him as if the words coming out of his mouth doesn't make sense to me at all. "Well, what is it then?", he smiles at me before saying: "Guess who has another concert going on in a few hours"
I feel my heart beat so fast in my chest that i could honestly be throwing up at any moment.
This shit is just not happening. Fuck me. Fuck this. "Jack" he continues and makes my fear a reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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