Helping You

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Kamiya was walking through the hallway of her school, a couple minutes after school as she was asked if she was available to help with the library committee again.

Of course she accepted under her own free will.

Her intentions?

Not many knew, a volleyball ace helping a group that had nothing to do with sports, that was unique. But she knew, as she turns the corner, she finds Y/n and a couple of students nearby. Three boys facing him as he stood in front of another girl.

"Come on! We're just having fun!"

"Yeah! Why not give it a try?"

"Akemi said stop... I'm not gonna let you guys bully her anymore..."

One of them sighed.

"If that's the case-"



Y/n was pushed into the locker and a loud thud could be heard as his head bounced off and he lands on the ground. The boys walks to the girl who was shocked and ran towards Kamiya's way. This was the perfect opportunity to confront the bullies, "What do you guys think you're doing?"

"Oh shit, it's Kamiya!" Their eyes widens at the volleyball ace. Sure she was a girl but a girl that could kick anyone's ass as they scurried the other way and didn't look back.

Kamiya glanced around for the girl that Y/n protected but saw her nowhere. But that wasn't a concern for now, she turns to Y/n who held his head softly and was slow to get up. "Y/n!" She calls for him.


"Are you okay? That was a hard hit you took!"

"I'm fine, Kamiya... At least Akemi's safe now..." he tries to think about this on the bright side as the navy haired girl finds something streaming down his face.

It's exactly what she thought.

"You have a cut, Y/n..."

"It's fine, Kamiya... I'm okay..."

"You're bleeding..." she told Y/n more as she grabs his wrist and leads him around the hallway. A small blush grew at the touch as Kamiya didn't stop. "Come on, I'll take you to the nurse's..."

"I-I'll just wipe it off... You don't need to worry..."

"I'm already worried! Just come with me..." she demanded some more as they arrived at the nurse's office. Of course nobody was home as Kamiya sat Y/n down on a chair and searched through the cabinets for any supplies to help with the cut on his face.

She grabs a couple of bandages and some ointment to cover it the wound up and heal it faster. With her working on his face, Y/n speaks up. "You don't have to worry about me, you know... It's not-"

"It's that serious... I can't let everyone bully you when you're not that strong..."


"Sit still..."

Y/n gives in as Kamiya finishes up her work and smiles. "There... All better..." she stands up and offers Y/n up. He takes her hand as he was hiding his blush away from her.

"...Thank you..." he answers. "...Nobody would help me out so I figured it was a hassle for you to help..."

Kamiya frowns. "It's never a hassle... If someone was in trouble, you'd help them..." then she smiles. "Like how you helped Akemi out in the hallway..."

The boy's eyes widens. "You saw that?"

"Yeah... So it's only fair you get the same treatment when it's presented..." she pats her head as Y/n continues to try hide his blush. It finally caught her attention and turns his chin so their faces meet. "I didn't know you look cute as well~..." she flirted.

All Y/n did was show how surprised his face could get before Kamiya finally had enough with the playing and walks towards the exit. "Now come on, Y/n... I'm going to help you out at the library today..."

"R-Right..." Y/n said softly before following Kamiya towards the library with the same unusual blush on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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